Attacking my lingering addiction for sugar – LONG Article- not by me!

by | Oct 28, 2024 | health | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I know this diary is primarily to record my own events but occasionally I do find something that jumps out of the page of me, maybe because I’m ready for it, but I find in this case a certain compulsion about reading the whole article from beginning to end.   My health is not that great at the moment regarding digestion and maybe reading this article could help it. Who knows until you try?

I believe most foods contain sugar in one manner or form. I read somewhere that 70% of the foods available in supermarkets contain sugar. I’m quite happy to cut down on sugar in tea and coffee and probably would not miss it very much and also with cereals. I don’t know whether cakes without sugar would taste the same and what about jam?  I can’t see myself cutting it out all together but I can certainly reduce the amount I take.

Is Sugar the Deadliest White Powder Drug?  By The Unz Review

Although I’ve been reading the New York Times every morning for almost 45 years, I’ve gradually become more and more disgusted with it, and occasionally say so in my articles.

For example, back in 2016 I wrote:

For decades I’ve been closely reading several major newspapers every morning, and for the last few years have noticed a striking decline in the quality of their scientific coverage, as exemplified in the weekly Science Section of the New York Times. Whereas in the past, dramatic discoveries in evolutionary biology or physics might be broken in the pages of that newspaper, these days the coverage seems increasingly skewed toward phone apps and dieting and phone apps for dieting.
Lick the Sugar Habit: …Appleton, Nancy Best Price: $1.20Buy New $9.49(as of 10:00 UTC – Details)I’ve always regarded diet books as the quintessential example of worthless content, regardless of how many millions of copies they might sell, and over the years I’ve seen endless numbers of different fad-diets mentioned in my newspapers— Click the link on the first line below the two paragraphs at the top of the page.

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