Day: 28 October 2024

A riddle plus a heart attack testimony

I wrote to my friend before going off on holiday to Cardiff as follows: I shall carry the following text in the middle of my head "Love and peace is the centre of everything' To which he responded, text below, It is clear then that you carried nothing! If everything came from nothing at the beginning of the universe then the centre of everything will also be nothing. If love and peace are the...

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Attacking my lingering addiction for sugar – LONG Article- not by me!

I know this diary is primarily to record my own events but occasionally I do find something that jumps out of the page of me, maybe because I'm ready for it, but I find in this case a certain compulsion about reading the whole article from beginning to end.   My health is not that great at the moment regarding digestion and maybe reading this article could help it. Who knows until you try? I...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2024