Catching up on my diary

by | Sep 20, 2024 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

I have not written a serious diary entry  for some time so this is a summary of what has been happening in the last week or so. We been doing quite a lot of work in a garden in Peasedown St John for a delightful customer who has a garden area that he does not have the time to maintain and we have stepped in to tidy it up. I first started working with him in 2018 and then did another clearing job in 2022 and now I decided to upgrade the garden by removing historical features such as plants that no longer serve any purpose, old paths that have become matted with weeds and generally taking back the garden to square one and starting again.

At the same time I was hoping that people would sign up for a long planned lecture by me on the art of conversation which was due to take place on the 25th of September but only a small handful of people have decided to pay the small entrance fee that is required. I had expected in a place like Frome noted for its cultural activity to take an interest but for one reason or another the event has been ignored. It cost me more time than anything else. However the upside is that in the preparatory work I got the idea for writing a book so that is in full swing now and I will use Amazon self-publishing as a way to propagate it.

As regards my vineyard group it is no longer a church and I am trying to convince people but the best way forward is to invent or create a dynamic networking community where people can feel free to share, to pray, to have quality time together. When I founded the London-based network London Village back in the 70s, I gave away Power by the spadeful and more or less said that people could organize their activities as they wished and as a result we  created together up to 200 events a month with a membership of four and a half thousand.

There is an unfortunate desire among homo sapiens to retain power and control. My mind works the other way in that I want to give away power and control to other people and in the vast majority of cases I was not disappointed because they made the best of their freedom and acted in a responsible way. We have not taken a holiday now for some time and I find myself increasingly unwilling to travel by air but alternative methods such as trains especially in Europe not to mention the UK are very expensive.

I would like to get an unrestricted Rover Pass  but English operators do not seem to be doing this anymore. I think the United Kingdom has much to offer so we may satisfy cells by going on little trips for a few days here around there round the country.

As regards the political situation I despair of finding a politician or leader of a country who is not corrupted. I know in some organizations you have to swear allegiance to the devil and take part in certain rituals before being considered so the devil is really having a very good time at the moment. We can dream that Jesus will return and save us but as I’ve said before I can’t think of any reason why there should be the case because when he came the first time we didn’t treat him particularly well. Will he give it another go?

I know they were expecting the second coming in the first century AD so, fellow Christians,  I wouldn’t hold your breath and start coming to terms with the fact that we all have to do our part in making the world of more harmonious place.

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September 2024



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