One of the best measures of whether the tourist season has begun are for some unknown reason the number of Japanese tourists. We decided to take the bus instead of driving and arrived about 11 am whereupon we swiftly repaired to the newly refurbished Wetherspoons and had a hot drink .
This establishment has been closed for the last month and what they have done apart from some new general furniture is to make the kitchen more accessible to the main serving area, a bit more like McDonald’s and other fast food outlets, with an open serving area. We snuck in a couple of croissants from the coffee shop across the road to have with the hot drinks.
We went to one of the Bureau De Changes to offload various denominations of notes which had been lying around for years for some pocket money and got the huge sum of 25 pounds.
We then went to a local art exhibition space, gallery 23 I think it is called, in York Street just by the Cathedral and to the south. and there was an exhibition on current themes also one on the current Israeli situation.

This reads ‘200 more scrolls like the one below are needed to write the names of all CHILDREN killed in Gaza in the past 230 days

From another part of the exhibition downstairs in the basement

We then went to the Victoria Art Gallery (sample above) where there is an exhibition through September entitled Toulouse Lautrec and the Masters of Montmatre. Our local Discovery cards enabling free entry came in handy as the admission was £10.
So far as I understand via one of the staff, the UK in general and Bath in particular was very lucky to get this exhibition as a job lot so to speak. It is going back to Brussels in September where it will resume its residency. Francoise found the occasion too much to take in at one go so she will return on her own at some future date.


An ‘advert’ in the town centre to commemorate the exhibition.

We went for a lovely walk along the canal, interspersed by rain showers. This is one of the numerous tunnels on the canal

yes it is a real Heron