The time consuming challenge of transcribing a lecture

by | May 11, 2024 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 61 minutes

Do you know how much work is involved?

This is addressed to the very small number of people who are information nerds like myself. We are surrounded by so much information that we have very little opportunity to digest it, draw out the relevant bits for our development, and install them in our mind. About six pm this evening I was reminded of an excellent talk by the scientific and medical network which was available live today. I clicked on the link provided and found myself captivated by the coherence and clarity of the speaker though I’m not saying that I agreed with everything he said.

I considered his slides fresh and although the subject was very difficult to understand, he had made great efforts to make it comprehensible. He even went to the extent of making models. In his one-hour presentation he used about 24 slides of which I give examples below.

There are too many points to adequately classify here but he was talking about the difference between the explicit order, in other words what we see in the physical world, and the implicate order in other words the consciousness in our minds and particularly the heart from which we were invited to see the world and indeed the universe in its infinite state.

Listening to such technical material does not imply that if you don’t understand every single point you are somehow an idiot. In this particular talk if you could understand one point in five or even identify the topic as a situation worthy of comment, you will be doing quite well.  I use speech to text software. You will see a verbatim delivery of the text below. The software does not understand all words for example it called David Bohm ‘David Bowie’.

The software also does not make paragraphs, nor does it distinguish between various speakers so if you want to make sense of the whole thing you either need to have a very good memory or correct while the text is being produced and insert appellations as you go along but this does require considerable dexterity which I have only partially.<

Talking English is different to written English. Don’t think that because someone says something it makes equal sense when written down although I have to say in this case the speaker, Dr. Trevor Griffiths, spoke eloquently and fluently but with most people we have lots of repetitions, irrelevant words, stutterings, all of which need to be weeded out.

With my friend John if I spend one hour with him on Skype that will lead to a minimum of six hours for transcription – and that is without slides – just using the spoken language as a guide. In this case I rely on the Skype recording and may have to play a given excerpt to or three times to understand what was really being said.

You may be surprised, but if you miss out one word the whole sentence or paragraph can be rendered nonsensical. I spend a lot of time, my wife would tell me too much time, in front of the computer and I promise you even with the greatest of attention this is one of the most difficult things to transcribe with anything approaching 100% accuracy.

Examples of very good and clear slides; how to put across abstract ideas

There were 24 slides in this presentation. To re-create the talk you need to link the images to the text.

different reactions of two people listening to someone pouring their heart out. One is skeptical, the other taking in every word.


Raw text of the talk as ‘heard’ by Speechtexter (Chrome)

so the theme and between the Seconds of your mind and this is as you mentioned thanks David Bohm’s concept of the indicate order behind the explicit order that we live amongst where he is describing all being Holland movements that there’s movement and this tour goes you see from the title is about how we that’s connected to that through our inner hearts so I my mind we sit in the middle of two normal scales telescopic of universe and the microscopic scale and these both needs being the way our minds work and one of the things that really struck me as I looked at both of these these scales of interest as a scientist is how everything rotates or vibrates in movement and as I threw my studies got more involved in the way the brain works I came to realize that there is a particular feature of the way our brains help us get organized in space and in time within the sense of substance that actually screened out some of the our awareness of our relatedness in life and converts it into static objects and that’s going to be the main theme of this talk is what is going on that our brains construct certain ideas that where everything is moving everything’s in turmoil somehow we’ve developed raise the idea that there is static matter now which Oxford study medicine and I was a bit of unusual students in that I didn’t have the traditional push bike to get around I had a motorbike and quite enjoyed sort of drying it around a little bit faster time console and but how wide range of interests there not just medicine but immunology macrame molecular studies of the cell membrane and but also I was what I call a seeker after truth I’d had a number of religious experiences things that didn’t quite make sense I have explored churches that we traditional religion and explored and through zen of course originally starting with that iconic book then in the art of motorcycle maintenance of course and into eaching and the idea of divination and then realizing why not do any sticks or stones to engage with this world we divination if actually are in a hearts are connected in there as well if we are connected in there as well so I moved on from that into more intuitive sort of prayer for search but without any formal structure to that and in the midst of this search I was also running with a poetry you know a students do and one day in this very out came this particular poem which I’d like to read to you and Toby bit of a story behind this angles term and lines forgive criss-crossing of the mind for here in the world there is beauty such as always found between the second of Your Mind so that powering came out when I was there I wrote it down and I suddenly got this feeling that I needed to get on my motorbike and drive to give that poem to somebody so just intuitively that I put it’s very cool at the time so I put a jumper on a jacket and put the poem on the inside pockets and then put my outer jacket on to go on the bike and set off and drove out from the centre of Oxford good afternoon industrial area on the Edge and then suddenly thought that’s it a variety so Paul off the road got off the bike and as expecting somebody to come by that I’ve know they ought to give this poem to them and nobody came so I started exploring around Reese’s side couldn’t find the poem search everywhere went back to the flat couldn’t find diploma anyway it disappeared and because of the sort of experiences that I’ve been having I was just going to say right well that’s a mystery you know of course I could have dropped it somewhere of course but actually with very securely wrapped up under two secure levels of clothing on the way out and I just was willing to hold that I think you’ll see as we go along this poem actually becomes quite relevant so that was what I would call a sigh event but then something more significant happened while there I had a dream one night and it was a dream that for told the future so accurately that it’s saved my life I dreamt I saw my death on the motorbike I won’t go to the details of the dream there were two sages to it one of which alerted me to the next scene in which I was knocked off sideways and so I started driving a bit more sense of being carefully but it was a month or so went by nothing happened and of course I went back to my old ways which were you know a little bit again for around the cars and enjoy what you’re doing so that a situation arose thing where something really strange doesn’t happen and I thought this is it that moment I was about to do something I’ll come back until a bit more about this later I chose to do these eggs opposite of my natural language would have been to accelerate and overtake three cars at the same time this set of jammed on the brake pulled back behind the last car and it’s something remarkable happened the car at the front the first one did a most unusual Maneuvers spun 180 degrees in the middle of the road as zoomed off the opposite direction and doubtedly would have not me often killed me so I was alerted to a situation by that dream and as far as I concern because I I am sort of assign scientist in my way of approaching things that was a dream that broke the traditional scientific laws of time in science is based in the view of The Arrow of time from past to the Future cause of effects causal chains and this was something that broke that cause of chain so to be honest every day that I live and this this event is still as fresh in my mind is over I’m Alive because of an event that broke these the rules of space and time and that set me offer a serve saying sizes definitely delving into something but it’s not the whole story there’s a lot more that we need to explore  so I I was part of neuroscience studies studying the cats of Visual Cortex and take a moment experiences you know single nerve micro recordings and so on so quite use now if the brain working with patterns of activity but the problem was that I felt sorry for the cat and I’m not I just said that was a really loud researcher and eventually left to a PhD and go back into medical status again life and I was keen on immunology realize that both neuroscience and immunology they’re both pattern recognizing systems that we as an organism are detecting patterns with distant senses in the neuroscience and immunology to chemical patterns we’ve recognising what self and what other and that is all part of our identity as a person is that a physical level and outer social and wider environmental level but in all of that that our studying I knew something was missing from science and it was to do with relatedness to do with relationship communication happenings between self population and health and disease but suddenly in the end are going to medicine I took a particular interesting family medicine and systemic work because the patterns of communication amongst people I found were reflected in the patterns of the brain was detecting in the environment and the understanding how the immune system worked on pattern recognition responsiveness the same thing was going on in families and in communities neighborhoods workplaces so I formulate this idea of I identical principles of organization principles of organization that’s a core thing that I’m going to be talking with you about because it’s about this area that I believe I’ll be able to give an explanation of these two sive inks that broke the rules of space and time getting into the level of communication patterns and relational patterns now I also put the picture hero shredding is Cat and when I just like to say is that this fault experiment about the quantum level of life I believe is completely fallacious the reason is that it’s not the cat or any of the things here it’s in a box the fourth experiment relies on that box being screened off until somebody opens the lid and looks at it and then that is the input of energy into this closed system that determines what happens the problem is that science has recently shown that the universe is not a closed system which is the picture that what I call enlightenment site for the last 300 years is all being based on the idea the universe is a closed system bounded by space and time and Matter moves with momentum and bounced around inside this box and so on but in 2011 three physicists of schmittent rice got the Nobel Prize of physics for proving that the universe is not only still expanding but the rate of expansion is accelerating alright so we are part of the universe is expanding at an ever-increasing rate that means the universe in which we belong is an open system it has to be open system but I’m sorry to disappoint people but all the rules of thermodynamics to do with entropy and entry preservation and so on all framed within the concepts of closed systems they do apply enclosure systems but in a universal scale in which we human beings are embedded it’s an open system and over rules may not apply and that’s what I’m going to be saying to they actually do not apply at the level of the Human Heart Karen Barrett of course has done a lot of work on the concept of intrap action we human beings are interactive in this universal scale also in local systems and it’s up to us by our choice of action whether we create closed systems and believing them or whether we live as if we are part of an open system so I gave up with this thing there’s a lot of neuroscientists so keen on the idea that the brain is actually a social brain it isn’t there just to give us a sense of who we are in for us to generate themes in terms it’s not an individualistic thing the brain is there to map our relatedness and to ramp our relationships and I found from my developing interest in Christian in Celtic Christianity because it’s very Earth it’s very rooted in the community and hospitality of nature to me this this is where the life of things are generated and the Celts had already had this fried creature three Corners asleep that is three points but not a triangle or tri-creief for three Corners and it’s and I can have never ending movement of continuous dynamic if you follow the lines along you know he does goes round and round and when you fit two together because the rel atedness goes backwards and forwards between them and this is eternal movement and this is how I’m going to be displaying what I these two icons of movement and the trigger our icons that can be scaled to lots of different levels it’s a prince the principles of organization of movement movement is the changing relatingness performs changing the latest and forms so this could represent two adults taught me together the conversation it could be in category anti God and humanity in a conversation it could be another and child but also I’m going to be put into this could be an icon that represents quantal change this would be the Garden Room the earth but you can have a relationship with your garden to cultivate and bring forth through fullness from the land and the idea having two of these self-organizing elements that meet together into a conversational relationship is that one becomes an ecology for the other this is an ecological picture of the human being and ecological picture in which the environment scale from the quantity to the university and to the Social and the inner world in this I’m going to introduce the word information and the core thing in this is because I am proposing but everything is in movement information is a verbs not a noun it is the forming and following this along the change that’s going on in this in this person here is transferred relatedness over to here to it transforms the other person and this is information it’s a dynamic it’s not a noun and this is and what I’m proposing is that this type of iconic relationship or relatedness is synergy this is a vibration one movement here induces here and that reflues back and here we have synergic movement back and forth this is an icon of relatedness so there’s mutual repatinum which is synergy this is actually the course slide the torque and I’m going to come back to this slide right at the end of it just to put it all together at the end and now in that the mutuality of repattering very bi-directional information or flow and a lot of Sciences based in a linear concept of energy transfer or information transfer from a transmitter to a receiver that we’re coming back to that a little bit later and but in systemic family therapy the network of relationships and the communications that go back before the group of people inform a state of actually going on within the family and that state can either bring on helpful behavior or it can become chaotic or turbulent that’s where the social brain is connecting with it the conference was of organization I believe our shaping what goes on in the brain to engage with this conversational reality and that is what’s called the explicit order this is the level we live in in our social settings setting environments and that picture on the right of the lady looking at half work on a piece of on the UK post box it shows the extraordin can get into a bit of a knot forget all Tied Up when when things bit of stretched but underneath that David Bohm was saying that there is an implicit order of homeless or Holland movement and I believe that the illohiman heart connects into that that’s an information level where one is transforming the other through this synergic connection and that this synodic connection lies behind what we describes energy matter in the exploit order so movement emerges from the implicate order out into an extricate order where our brains organise it into a concept so when I studying neuroscience this is absolutely basic neuroscience areas in the brain where particular distance centers are all brought together the two two to construct certain impressions I’m not going to go to this in any detail at the moment but also to say that it is well known that this parietal Cortex area here generates a concept of space and if there are lesions or illnesses that affect this area it’ll be affecting our spatial awareness this area of the frontal lobe underneath an in the middle he’s involved in a sensing time and this is the one that really want to draw your attention to this temporal lobe sensory sofa Association era that we serve your visual balance or a tree touch sensations body or body images on all integrate here they pull together memories as well and so we get meaningful association with ours on going sensory experience is generated in fleeves three different areas now the point about the temporal lobe one is this is where there are some unusual effects that come from epilepsy affecting this area or any other illnesses and they can make life seem unreal what is what’s going on here something called object recognition which is easiest described for example talk about a bicycle the bicycle looked at from different angles looked totally different then yet we somehow to open idea that this is a BIC ycle there’s something solid there call a bike and it looks like this one different angles right and that is what’s been pulled together in this area of the brain so it gives a sense of real present object recognition now when I started to apply the triquitral image of what’s happening here these change and form relatedness our features of our sensory input which are coming into this dynamic where the brain is constructing an organized sense of the world out of chaotic neural experience of senses coming in from all angles and memories coming in together and it’s happening here and these three areas these three points coordinate the despair by pairing their inputs in these different areas so if we if we were just a look a little bit more at forms shapes of things and the relationship reforms if those two things come together it greater sense of space and if form to training a pendulum swinging gives you a sense that there is time on the move and this is the one that I want to roar your attention if this theory is true this is a hypothesis and putting it to you as a hypothesis that could be tested then if these three sensory inputs can be integrated in these sensory social air Association areas to generate a sense of space at the time and a real presence then the other pairings of the change of relatedness and what I mean by that is let’s imagine you’re walking along suddenly you bang your hand against their table you haven’t particularly noticed you will think there’s a solid table there right but actually what’s happened is that your hands that are change of relatedness and that had got converted through your object recognition temporal sensory Association area into the centre there’s a solid object there if you if somebody walks into a room if there’s a change of relatedness you might get the sense of there’s a real presence of someone in the room so out of changes of relativeness we develop a concept of substance there’s a substantial person come in if someone says feel the quality of this class you don’t just put a fingertip against it and say you’re feeling the quality you move your hand over it and you get a patch changing array of sensory input but the associated with your memories and gives you a sense of the substance of this material for your touching so this is object recognition any sense of objects that we have around us is actually constructed from a whole history memorized of our changing relativeness with our environment from the time we were babies gumbing things that we put in our mouths and so on right away through accumulating a sense of textures and qualities that we change our latest with and we shaped this do the motor areas here that’s what’s going on in this central space and it’s in the motor areas where we prepare our responses that these three sense of space time and for an objects of substance and become properly integrated into a sense of meet myself in this environment so spend a bit of time explaining that but this is a quarter so this is just sort of restating what I’ve said David Bohm’s implicate order of movement is the changing relatedness of patterned forms the changing relatedness of pattern forms and that sense of space and time and a substantial reality around us is what we mean by the execute order that is it we we have what I call but orientation Horizon a lot of our experience are placed in this sense of orientation in space and time assumptions but if you think about it there’s an awful lot of our experience which is below your orientation Horizon which is not orientated and the simplest most obvious one to say is the sense of smell that activates you that alerts you but it actually alerts you to search with your distant senses for what the source of that smell is yeah so the sense of smell is not actually orientated right but it drives us to seek orientation to bring in this expert order to a set of experiences that have below that orientation Horizon and this is what I would like to be preparing to you that this is what I mean by the inner human heart it’s a whole range of awareness and sensitivities that is below the orientation Horizon and a lot of it is to do with emotion with emotion a lot of it the emotion comes from our values and how we interact with the world around our values emotion is energy in Motion and emotion is values in for energy entering our awareness this is where I’m proposing to you that are in a human hearts are actually connected into an implicate order way beyond what we are aware of in our conscious Minds as being above your orientation Horizon as an explicit order now these information movements they’re showing in the double tri creature to scale up and I love to spend too long on this but when they connect together what was the synergic vibration just between two of them can start to become a progressive wave of movement through networks of movement changes remember all of these try creature are not solid objects they are icons of movement the changing relatedness of pattern forms and here we’re beginning to see pattern forms oops that was on but so the here we go there’s going to be a bit unusual now anyway so sorry I didn’t interaction there but the point I wanted to make from that previous slide is that the synergic movement can translate into progressive movements through that implicate order which will come back to in a moment but this is what science measures scientists measuring the movements through the linear movements through what I’m going to be describing is what I believe is the implicit order and describe in terms of these networks to try preform movement now this this lovely sculpture here it’s just a beautiful picture of the types of conversational orientation that I’d like to sort of capture for you and the Iconic representations can be true in networks of people or take the level of in the incident order even the quantum gravitates the same principles of movement for the go now in quantum theory there’s something called I’m just watching them earlier if you if you move along your hand alone quantum field theory which was running to problems because it’s based on Particles and it says that around particles there’s a quantum field of energetic activity and it’s run into one of two problems then this stage because what I’m proposing about try quick draw it implicates order is that it’s actually much more pervasive than related to the particles the particles emerged out of it also going to be proposing that waves in fact emerge out of this implicit order so the idea of quantum Fields around particles is approaching it in the wrong direction but I believe that looking at this level of an extensive implicate order out of which emerged particles of waves and eventually emerge all of the Dynamics that we call expedited order which our brains of evolved to detect to engage with to construct an impression of this world so that we can talk to each other the sensibly and cooperate to to manage life and manage our environments together and all of that going on over incredibly long time frames for song but I believe that this implicit border relatedness can provide a cos explanation for the disappearing poem and for the dream that broke linear time and that’s where we’re going to be going with all of this and I’d like to be composing that the concept of informal energy in this implicit order that the movements that are set up through there are harmonics that are running through it I believe the vibrations extend into to the harmonic Hall Anthony gets diversity is inherent to the way these are connect together will be looking at a little bit more and because there is diversity within the Singapore order there is information one part informs the other of the movements that are going on within the simply good order and that emerges into our experience of life we connected into it who we try to make sense of it in our exploited order their brains unfortunately have a weak spot and that what is relatedness at the level of the implicit order and change of relativeness in unusual patterns there our brains converting to the idea of solid objects so of course my motorbike existed of course the car existed of course the poem existed of it wasn’t it but actually what might be happening in the England could order that level is that there were much more pervasive Dynamics on the move between could not be aware of because we were insensitive to them and that’s the relationship between the execut that we just part of life so the ecological systemic view of the social person is in the expert order and an informational view of energy and matter is in the implicit order now let’s go back to this sculpt of the three women and these are the conversation about the three people finishing that the expressions on their faces they even have different angles on this conversational one blade is pouring out a heart about the story the one on the right is taking it all in and absor this I don’t know about you the one in the middle looks to me it’s a little bit skeptical so yeah maybe so maybe so you know it’s a little bit sitting back and you know they’ve got three different minds that are forming different concepts and one dynamic that’s going on between them what I’d like to point out to you noticed it yourself but have a look at their bodies and their legs the picture of three analytical perspectives that people can construct on a single dynamic amongst law and that these analytic perspectives like the one in the middle can make somebody take a mental step back from involvement in the conversation just to try and analyze hey what’s going on here if you do I really believe this the rather than being absorbed in it as the two leaders on the outside are absorbed in the exchange of information between them so to me this is a lovely picture of conversations now I’m going to say just a little bit more about the actual event of the dream so that there was putting up some traffic lights I didn’t say that the free cars were stopped and the traffic lights were red but then as I approach from behind they changed the red and Amber which in England means hey get ready we can be going soon and on a motorbike there’s an absolutely gift because you know Accelerate away take overtake all three cards at the same time and zoom on ahead of the lock saying hey this is you know great life example but actually alerted by the dream I had just about to start accelerating I know it’s stood on that break and pulled back behind the last car and then that front car did a spin in the road ruled off an opposite direction the one I didn’t say before is it the car hack black tinted windows it was covered in Dust it just looked nasty wasn’t a standard maker car it has been worked on it looked dangerous and it looked evil there was intentional movement about it that’s the key term there is intentional movement and it was Evil now that’s what I’ve reflected on for years and years and years and this I would like to say very significant why I moved from exploring wider spiritualities to feeling really comfortable with accounting approach to Christianity not to the other formalized religions which I believe have push things off to an extreme but this earth area of hospitality of community of relatedness that’s where the true spirituality lies but the point about that encounter on the road right was that there were two personalities there and the movements the action that happened arose out of our personal values my value was to take note of that dream my value was to enhance life my values to explore what was going on I don’t know exactly what the values were the rise of that car had but they were not like an answering there was there was there was something that I would say that actually definiteness about it and I think this is what convinced me that when we’re looking at the implicit order and relatedness that’s goes beyond space and time is our experted or the brains construct and can immersive dream one month in advance of that the lerts me in two stages of the dream to the fact that something is dangerous is going to happen in that implicant order there are human Values the human values are embedded and this is the point I really want to be making two that I’m not convinced that the best way of thinking about is to try and call it consciousness or thought of it the I think once you understand that human values are based in our hearts and move Direct and movements Direct our thoughts Direct the quality of our relationships and our reactions to each other we begin to get ourselves first in the implicit order not the expert order that’s pre-orientation and our hearts a month before that was somehow discerning something that there’s a direction that my life was going in and this event could ruined it and whoever was driving that car with sensitive to the opposite move so I have to say that this this sense of personal value in the integrate order brings a life for me the conversational nature of reality and we can we hide it in music because of the way our brains orientatus in an expert order of matter and substance  so vanilla movement is the emerging as systemic personal identities it now it does to say I’m very fortunate that John Hunt publishers have recently agreed to publish a book on this subject so what I’m going to be going into explain how I believe is much excited much more detail in this book the title is clearing away unveiling the mental tricks that hide reality now I’m going to give you a very quick overview of what’s in that book but it really there would be too much information here for you to try and take it in and really work on it so I’m going to ask you just to sit back and take it a little bit like going to the cinema where you’re just sort of watching the story unfold and then maybe at the end of it you try and tie it all together and be critical do I mean this is this is as I say it’s hypothesis it’s exploring what could be now I’ve got a color coding in the next set of slides that are coming up the blackheadings are when I’m talking about triquitral cosmolicate itself into the diversifying unity of life so we’re part of that dynamic the red headings are about the concept of time and there are three perspectives like those three window three perspectives can be struck constructed on timing the quantime that construct an idea of timing the blue Hicks go into space and substance for horror movement so that’s the structure of what’s coming up and it’s all about synergy as conversational orientation when we enter into this communications feedback at whatever level we want to consider things synergic life starts to move within us so there is too much for you to take on board here so I really asking not to try and take on too much but point is that here I’ve shown the standard triquitra of what’s how the brain gets organized and here it is in this analytical and Direction when somebody takes a mental step back from the conversation to think about the forms and objects something strange happens inside the brain the way things are orientated and are going to this in much greater detail in the book to explain how it all happens in neurological terms as well for those are interested but space at time become projected out of the Observer identity people become an observer of life when they look at the forms of objects and the forms and objects take out with them the space and time leaving inside the sense of personal identity my thought experience and so an observer of Life consider themselves to be a presence of mind I am a presence of mind observing reality and I retain within me how I change my relatedness to that external reality which is the origin of the empirical frame of mind the scientific impurities I can act on this objective world in any way I choose to without any sense of moral obligation as being part of it because I’m acting on it now part of what comes with this is that the time frame here is an arrow of time as I previously said a linear cause effect sequence of causality things move from the past the future in the arrow of time and so eternity in this view seems like an angular string of pictures like an old cinema real and the present moment is one of these pictures in the middle is slowly moving along this line a spatial DYN amic spatial dimensions become the real context for life not a product of life so these are turned inside out what is really the conversational experience that the movement of relatedness generates space and time and a sense of reality but when you take analytical step back from the conversation it looked as it are you hearing what I’m here sorry person who’s going to background so one particular analytical perspective and they were ext linear time time sequence becomes formed this is what I call the structuralist perspective when pushed to an extreme it’s the materialist perspective this becomes material but it doesn’t have to be pushed to that extreme but the structure is perspective will tend to say that the dimensions of space and time are part of the objective reality now if you take mental setback to look at the conversation of looking at the changes that are going on there the changes can gambitrate projected out is to my perceived reality and that comes like the whole chaos and processes and living Souls are making different choices and I really don’t know what’s going on but in here the human identity the personal identity becomes my own space my personal bubble in my personal space I create information that I can push out into this chaos to bring order and this what I’m putting an informationist you of life and in the last 50 years with information technology this has become that the dominant way of looking at the world the information is more important than matter but it can be pushed to an extreme where the information is given an objectivity which it doesn’t belong the information if you see there’s a verb is a dynamic that’s going on between two things so people in this view believe they have to construct information as a noun do they transmit into the chaos to draw to the movement is going on there now in this one time seems like a time frame it’s the story what’s the indigo have a beginning and a middle and an end and I put stuff in that changes the story what makes the story and so that’s a totally different way but it is still measurable just like linear time is never all but these are actually different features in terms of the way the brain can construct a sense of time not spending too long on this now but the third view if one takes a mental step back to a conversation to start looking at the qualities of relatedness that are going on in this conversation having totally happens in the brain and if relatedness in an extreme can get pushed out to become an objective reality itself as a life force a vitalist force a spirit of town and that the common thing about all concepts of Life forces from any culture around the world is they all cause through space and they are like a higher power they’re an extra presence of a higher power to which individual people feel they must submit in order to come into a harmony with it for their health and their longevity or whatever now what I want to say here is that what is retained in the sense of personal identity looking on this is that I become a participator in a life that is beyond me yeah a little in this this is a vitally important and it will perspective I need to say very clearly at this point by identifying these three perspectives I’m not saying any of them is right or wrong they are all equally justifiable in logical terms but the difficulty is if they get pushed from extrict extreme there are logical deductions that don’t compare are not compatible with each other and the one here is that because the personal identity has change of form retained as part of its identity this is this concept of my own time and I can return to Eternity and come back again in a changed form and this is logically consistent with this particular view on life is perspective on life so reincarnation is logical in this perspective but in a materialist perspective is totally illogical and the individualist perspective the information is it’s an interesting idea describe over Here nor There whether it happens or not so these perspectives give very different pictures of what’s going on in life and I’m going to say this again in any one of these analytical perspectives you can get a few into the whole of life and see the whole of life in that perspective and make sense of it as far as it’ll go but as soon as you try to integrate it with the way they look for another perspective you’re running the problems and people then sadly end up criticizing  trouble and blame each other and running each other down saying you’re wrong rather than you’ve got an interesting perspective can we compare those and see if we can match them to find common ground able to recognize the different analytical perspectives within to bring them together to explore how to integrate them into a way that we can Delve into the implicate order of Life to understand it better to really connect better into it so please I want to emphasize I’m not saying that anyone of these is wrong that all equally justifiable but they age can only be right as far as they go they can’t be the whole truth without trying to match it with the other negatively the others and here we see on the red heading and I just like to for a moment I’m asking you to think that again to that incident for the driver in the car and myself just think about the dream and the event I just described three different approaches to time one is the Eternal now throughout life and that we can move from eternity into the now and and get a very big picture of who I am in the whole picture the other is a time frames there’s a story going on here how extensive is that time frame how extensive is the story and then there’s time sequence was there a time sequence yes there’s certainly was there a time sequences going on through that story all three of them are relevant as we reflect on that unusual event so a trifle relational balance can avoid dualisms with all those three perspectives construct a due in this and avoiding journalism can be found by reflecting in what I call a gapping time between the second of your mind we are now connecting with that poem between the second to the mind there is beauty such as always found in the world it can be beautiful but also personal values can create chaos or terminal that can actually create danger difficulty and the implicate order is basically a life enhancing order that generating life and can bring healing and restoration even when people’s values cause distraction and brokenness so this is the last slide on time and timing so we talk about three different perspectives the timing of decisions some of you may know the Zen art and arrow paradox however the Arts and the arrow and are all one concept if you’ve now think about the three analyses this is how we’re going to interaction the aiming of that why is somebody tensioning if they have a purpose in mind the tension is both in the person and in the bone the release of that arrow is a decision in linear time that the time is right there’s a story about the whole context in which this action is being tensioned and align this is carindad’s infraction and in this tripod concept of movement if you are in a point what’s called a positive is viewed or there are little bits of matter I atoms and some of that actually has our own reality but the positive view of the world people talk about what sets these things and movement and this movement of what these bits exist but what brings the movement but on it try free for all cosmology is turning that upside down and saying that what the things matter emerges out of movement is emerging to order from thinking order and this is process philosophy is the emergency dispersal of pap and forms among the information movement reshaping and releasing continuously as that Archer and arrow is doing which means that when we start looking at quantum the quantum physics or mechanics or whatever you want to call it and we’re not looking at quantum a quantum of energy because if energy is something that is preexistent we’re looking at quantum trained a small package of change right which can scale up by further entanglements to create movement out of which Particles and waves emerge and the whole extraordinator eventually merges in which we are in front active Siri and they have different Dynamics they’re each equal in terms of movement but there’s a different structure tours so just moving on then when they pair up this is again the core item is a double trichy trim this is where a single tricutra actually gains existence a single quantum change has no existence on its own but when that change starts to communicate with another in a conversational reality it becomes a vibration one becomes an ecology for the other this is the core element of existence now when I started making 3D printed models of these I discovered the most remarkable thing but the left and the Liver dextro LED resident contra when they went diverse contra quanto fit together before ligames that remain on the outside of it lie in a horizontal two-dimensional plane but if you get an ll and a DD so this this here is an l form that one is going behind that one and that one is an l form that one’s going behind that one so this is LL and this one the linear has to twist in order to allow bi-directional information or flow which means that the four ligands that come off from it orientate in different directions and here I’m going to make the Bold claim we are seeing the origin of the three dimensions of space it is the movement of these entanglements that has to twist in order to preserve the harmonic vibration if that could not twist there would be no harmonic they would stop vibrating deep fried people change with separate and break up and dispersed process philosophy but as it is when there is harmonic it becomes some of the score of existence now in quantum computing they need free core States called plus minus zero and I was without going into this I’d like to propose that these three four double try creature our probably what these core quantum states are called qubits of information so I actually call them information out qubits to try and emphasize it is movement and not a substance a lot of object in itself there’s synergic resonant movements vibrations at the plank length that really small length of quantum trained here we are not on this but when these scale up further and entangled into long strings we end up in three different types of wave can you see the side begins from this all of these time to explain this but the book will in Greater detail all I can say is that these waves can develop a fourth dimension movement along the way backwards and forwards like a slinky going along the way and that forced dimension movement can add time into the three dimensions of space and in fact there can be lots more spins and twists and curls and someone who sort of things which add extra dimensions of movement and I would like to be exposing to you that the various dimensions of n Theory it string theory are actually different types of movement at different scales scaling up in a spin foam of these waves that are connecting with each other and not going to go into the details here but when you get the LD diverse stable qubits they make a horizontal flat plane and it turns into a hexagon I got a made model s of these the flank hexagon and these waves that are gravity and light and heat are running through this as a standing wave rather than progressing from it I’m going to have to move on here this picture shows how you can get a progressive wave of any sort and stable delayed can come off the edge of it these stable domains I call them are the seed to particles will go on to the next slide to see that the single stable domain that have several different waves coming off it and the ways can crisscross with each other making a spin foam and all of this is movement all of this is movement information movements making a spin throw of the implicate order out of week one area becomes diverse from another so you get information or transfer between them one area knows what’s going on somewhere else in a synergic network information will quantum movement because of the utter heat-relatedness of implicit order behind patterned matter that is in constant change it’s the bidirectionality now the single hexagon can extend into hiccone of stable domains all mixing together now the standing waves of heat and light and gravity can move through this this is the closest picture to I can get through of the imperd order but he gets more complex than this now imagine that this is a flat thing I’ve made a model of this but this extended stable domain those absolutely no reason why it shouldn’t curl topologically in on itself in which case you can get these waves that might spend internally within that topological pattern and those become the internal forces of a particle or whatever scale apart will you want to come to so those waves those three basic primary four ways can I become progressing waves spending the whole cosmos in terms of lightweight and gravity or they can become the internal strong for ces week forces that make articles and matter altogether but then also if these stable domain extended stable domains of curling around to make particles some of them will be very stable the sun could be unstable and that is what I believe a particles are emerging out of this implicit order and scaling up into atoms scaling up into molecules scaling up to macromolecules reforming to sell membranes and this components of cells before the microtubles which help to move the amever to move through the environment and respond to its environment for widely which held byteconds with bacteria to find a home Inside sales and generate energy that all of this is going on in a cell which scales up into higher order organism which interrelate and they breed and create more and create families that communicate all around identical principles of movement moving is the changing relatedness of packing forms that every level emerging from the good border  there are in current quantum theory I don’t think there’s anything Theory around that actually adequately explains how gravity in life going interact but this particular model shows that this is quite complicated one To Understand by ran pipe cleaners through this this model at two waves interacting the orange one is a gravitational wave the green one is a lightwave and both of them share a relatedness ligand now this looks as if one wave is passing through another but that’s the wrong picture of the implicit order the intimate order is a harmonic it’s a sphere from network in which between what becomes linear time is the movement of the fourth dimensional wave along these triquely for waves as I call them the triquid for waves are forming a spin foam network the implicate order and through that import order can move linear ways and those are what signs measures size can compare one fourth dimension wave with another but it has no way of delving into the true Nature of the intricate order we can only discern this by scaling our human experience of being together in groups in conversations where there’s information or transfer in a brain but a designed to interpret it using these three principles that’s what I’m proposing so this is an information for model of movement and quantum gravity is happening every cell and every cell membrane of your body including every nerve cell every Synapse in your brain is moving according to these principles the microtubles also move brain neurotransmitters to the synapse and release them at the synapse it’s the same chemistry where moving and neither and it is moving atoms and molecules that are movement everywhere above absolute zero is in movement so this universe is a cosmos because life in its diverse ecologist and we belong in this concept ecology with others we are not here on our own the conversational nature of life is something that we really need to the two depreciate the when you look at an object you are seeing a brain construct of changing relatedness the whole history of changing relatedness interpreting an objects so we can talk about it in manipulated but actually it’s evidence of the fact that we belong in this cosmos we’re in it we’re intractor within it try for Quantum cosmology the inner human heart is deeply synergic with lice movements and a much wider to some concept than our extrude oil brains can take in the Conscious mental experience of orientation adds dimensional space and time but we have a meaningful engagement with relational life beyond space and time that’s the good order in our inner hearts inflam energy is life moving in the background that we connect into and we try to make sense of it like those three women in the conversation try to make sense with our different perspectives but there is life on the go and we need the conversations to try and really grasp what is actually going on now the final thing before I just close is that that image that I gave you of the intercourt order I haven’t got into this the book we’ll go into this in month breaker details to properly explain it that imagine a group of people imagine that through those three when we talking but imagine you’re in a group of people having a conversation about the days of events or planning where you want to go on holiday next song and the exchanges that are going on between you there’s a whole raster communications at an influence pre-orientation level below your orientation Horizons hold all those communications are going on passing things back and forward about our values we then construct this impression we’re trying to make sense of what’s going on now I’m not going to spend gravitational waves Grant gravity holds together and diverse places of the Universe there’s an enduring connection tree every big mass in the universe now that to me is in the human experience could imagine be couldn’t have love love is enduring connection between people and enduring ability to be responsive to each other even though there might be very traumatic changes going on or 30 disturbing trainers or maybe anticipating very pleasant Changes but that enduring sense of connection could be an equivalent of gravitational attraction the warm thermodynamics are responsibly could be equivalent of Human Kindness  and that as we respond to each other we’re going with you know as we’re in this group together we maybe discern our differences but they can still be a warmth of response as a kindness that says well I can respond to you and you know keep this connection warn alive but also the there is the sense of presence we can be present for each other or you know when somebody’s distracted and isn’t really involved in the conversation you know it and people sometimes take themselves away they hide themselves away they don’t allow themselves to be a presence in a social network and this is rather equivalent to the electromagnetic type haven’t been able to go into that at all I’m afraid of this talk but the d and the l waves can run through this network parallel to each other and we’ll have opposite effects so you can have a traction or propulsion between positive and negative charges and magnetism the North and South Poles and so on but why should all that matter be realistic separated from our hearts from our own hearts we’re embedded in it we’re intuiting it we’re communicating around it we’re trying to understand it by talking people who see differently and trying to ache towards a better understanding of it and we need to be the presence of loving kindness for each other and that is a substantial reality of human being in this world that is the core substantial reality of a human being in this world to be the presence of loving kindness for others in social settings or with the Earth or with God or whatever the spirituality is that is alive for you at that time and of course the love unfortunately does not always feel like that comfortable warm cuddly Drive of love when things are going together love also is made now as grief when there’s broken as where there’s separation with us misunderstanding or doubt or there’s been a fence taken rehears that love turns into a grief mode which you know we teach about another area to actually has a positive purpose a constructive purpose to help people to explore how to reconnect into that enduring connection when changed is pushed people out of a comfort zone but nevertheless that that grief can move people to explore and if we have the Wolves that kindness and we recognize some of his grieving and we can be present for them then we can contribute to the healing of this world the next order can get tied up in Knox and we can help to untangle that we can be the presence of low in kindness and we will be connecting into this into good order discerning intuitively what the movement of that order are what the values are that we need to bring alive in our relationship now 2 self organising units that are in communication with each other there is a mutual transformation that is synergic that is life emerging and that synergy can we become an ecology for each other and that can bring forth fruitfulness in life after that so this I believe I’m going to come back now to the final slide is the implicit order within which mysterious things can happen things beyond space and time things that we’ve substance disappeared but I’d like to say to you that that is I had to write that poem and just think this is now 50 years ago angles turn and aligns forgive criss-crossing of the mind I haven’t even didn’t know about tributorial but I wrote that angles term and lines forgive Criss Crossing of the mind for here in the world there is beauty such as always found between the second of Your Mind so thank you that’s what I likely sharing with you very much indeed Trevor that was fascinating and I think it’ll take us a little bit of time to get our heads around your new Concepts but I’ve learned the very first especially as they relate to David Bohm and I just to a couple of remarks before one called recognition that I would associate with David Bohm will be meaning and maybe we can come back to that because he was meaning and being talked about and he didn’t like the mind matter idea different form so that was one observation and the second the other two observations substance is effectively left hemisphere left hemisphere cognition and the right hemisphere is what enables us to understand between us yes crucial to your model it’s also cruises appears and I just like you to tell us Clarifying for us how exactly you would define the inner female parts here use the term logs we needed him is it the intuition is it the what is it exactly do you have a definition for it well I think it is going to need clarification in a fairly extended way but one way to distinguish what in our human experience is not actually orientated in space and time so below the orientation Horizon if you think how much are you imagine you are embedded in this expert order world right around you that’s above the orientation Horizon but there’s a lot of experience to do with the intuition sensing that is is not framed in that way it’s nuance is dynamic and it’s movement and it is exactly as they were saying it’s about meaning it’s unaware that there’s some dynamic going on inside me but I cannot believe that I am isolated in this this world this cosmos alright what is this natural connection where do I belong in it because what I see with my senses what could constructed into the order is not the whole story you know very much Ian’s perspective as well that you have to think that we emerge from within something and we’re not apart from it absolutely and that’s that in his whole his whole chapter on the sense of the sacred it makes this point anyway I’m going to have a break now so back at 50 and then we’ll have some brief announcements and then I’m sure there’ll be a lot of questions.

The expocate order that our brains construct everyone knows about the blind spot you know how our brain sort of fills in consciously where there is no sensory input to the retina and we have all sorts of anticipations in life that make us Focus our attention in various ways and screen out other things and that’s more the way I look on this information processing there is because of our focus of attention we screen certain things out and I believe the whole brain works on feedback Loops and we can we end up a little bit like that film The Matrix you know making our own reality in a way so that’s what those three analytical perspectives are that the more you push yourself down that line of maintaining your focus on certain areas of life the more you become separated from the ongoing in implicit order conversational reality how you be you go off into your own mental world and you can fork we talk with like-minded people there’s a sound as if everything’s sensory you’re seeing it all together but they will always be a limit to that one perspective just says Galileo project to say there’s a definite limit to materialism but what can we explore alternatively that’s the same is true if you if you if you take the vitalist view to an extreme I’m afraid to say while I am a great believer in that participatory view of life I’m you know I don’t believe I can just think it all into existence I’m not sure that you know I think there is a material reality out there that implicated order actually is making Particles and ways and the particles scale up into things that do behave deterministically now we can work with that at different levels but the idea that just without contrast Minds we can sort of dissolve it I just feel that’s maybe gonna accept Too Far there’s sort of a middle ground of paradox that we need to be living in when that’s why we need to conversations to explore that middle ground
very good I mean that what you’re saying also attention to life and and part of part of that attention is exclusion yes and if we if we took in all the information that that we potentially could we completely overloaded we’re already overloaded but we’d be completely swamped absolutely absolutely and thank you so what I’d like to do if I could just sort of build on this point a bit more I’ve said it the brain works on feedback Loops now I personally believe that and you’re asking for my concept of the Inner human heart I think many people are aware that decisions choices are made emotionally yeah there were made through the limbic brain and the core brain which is pulling together all sorts associations and sales psychology of course is expert at this they don’t how to influence the emotions right yes thank you and and so decisions are formed by feedback Loops between the core brain and the limbic brain and the cerebral cortex but also coming into the core brain is all of our sensory input and there are filters in the core brain that filter the sensory input on its way up and the outgoing motor in outputs feed those filters they put a priority and that’s part of the attention mechanism yeah we should of course neural lingeristic program is very strong on all of that so the filtering of information now that’s what I believe the values are they’re actually the priming of filters in the core brain and the Olympic brain that allow fruit certain things that we’re anticipating or magnify things that don’t fit with it mislatures so that our attention Focuses on what is not going right so we can target our activity towards that purpose the person we have in mind the problem is the purpose we have in mind is our purpose not the bigger purpose of the universe yeah alignment there but we can’t tell yeah absolutely let’s move on to the next question to Julie henshawood does the indicate order implied potential this is 21:05 so there is something about open system thinking which as Julie is saying is all about growth and opportunity and potential and the potential can grow but through conversational interaction it can stabilize those stable domains are absolutely the core of what makes life sustainable maybe so there’s a constant movement but those stable domains conform and they can disrupt and they can split but nevertheless the fact that they stabilize movement and change and that that can scale up to level of predictability it determinism you know also allows because it’s rooted in movement it allows the miraculous and unusual transformation of those stability won’t be key point really and with David Bohm you’re starting from the dynamic holo movement and I was just bowed over when I read about 1983 he spoke at the mystics and scientist conference that year in fact Sheldrake and I’m also thinking that the closed system is associated with linear thinking and linear idea of time so I think this is this is as it were systemic if I’m understanding you properly because once you want to open system you’re also open Into Your Wealth we are consciousness is there is our access means for the whole of what we’re talking about but once you’re open you’re open outwards and inwards if one can even make that distinction and I’m just totally with that but it’s all depends on our sensitivities and our willingness in time so that we can just step back from all of our constructs and just engage with certain new sensitivities but then we need to affirm that through conversation with others who see life differently we just go off into our own you know our own imaginary worlds if we do that we need this conversational interaction to find our instabilities then we are coming on to Peter from Scotland where it’s still light it’s totally soft yes indeed its lies like cast on my problem to I can’t formulated completely for you so I ask you to debate tolerance of what I’m saying because I haven’t come to the full understanding of what we’re doing a number of us in the Sills is one of them are looking at random number generators and we’re looking at the way they go out of randomness now what is interesting about those who sits we’re looking at it what happens when people die and we have recent to think that this would be a point which surround a numbers will go out of randomness and also and this is much more interesting much more important is that you link random number generators two specific people and specific events by forming a relationship with them and the events are so that’s three three events as a generator that the event and there is you who is doing it and it seems to me that there’s going to as time moves on the relationship between the random number generators and people and events are going to increase enormously you’ll have one in your pocket and you will to some extent see the intensity of what some of these thinking also time is the material and spaces and material now with that broader poorly formulated question can you help
 I’m really not sure what a random number generator physically is it’s a presumably in many computer correct and what is the actual product but what form does the number whenever so my model about horror movement that the implement order is that it’s the changing relatedness or formed patterns but the form of patterns is spins or vibrations or progressions of energy through this bin foam so what does the now random number generator do produces streams of noughts and ones and lots and ones and these either totally random as fast new Gate or in fact they’re less random they have structure in them and the structure it seems to be given a remotely and those spaces is not counted and so as you would telling you know your story describing the situation what popped into my mind was the time when I was using and thinking about divination and there are other settings and religious settings in which people try to do wine what is the dynamic that’s going on in Hollow movement or in the indicate order and I came to think that there really there’s no need to use sticks and stones to do that you know if our hearts are open to a relationship with order we should be able to increase our sensitivities enough to be able to discern interiorly you know wise quarters of action now I just wondered whether you’re describing the opposite you know which is that if I have made a relationship with an electronic random number generator right that relationship with it actually brings my heart level values over here I say run my thoughts and we repeatedly going to come back to my values we bring my values into a dynamic relationship with whatever the quantum level substance of your random number generator is I can’t really be more precisely form thank you that’s probably helpful word there yeah you become somehow related to the Dynamics of the system which you aren’t initially but you become so through interacting yes it’s a little bit like feedback system but if you if you have a belief that this random number generator is something you can have a relationship with then perhaps you can that I think is an interesting premise because in fact I think I think I write and saying Peter the Skeptics trying to do this often have negative correlations okay Peter thanks so much let’s go on to Craig tienga about the comparison that of your trigretraas with trefoyle knots yes and and he writes that about that so maybe you could just save that yes we looked at that the first computer assisted design models that we were making the guy who is doing it assumed that I was talking about a traphoel and the mathematics of a trefo has been extremely well worked out they know all the formula for different curves obvious and so he thought well this is a single we just string truffles together and it just didn’t work at all but the reason being but the fretfoil the what is a point on a trifura is an angle that turns internally or becomes a ligand that extends into a Neighboring trip it’s a movement that either angles in on itself and reflect internally or it becomes part of a synergy with an entangled one now trefoil that angle is actually a curve is more like a ribbon they’re called curves around that goes back in and it definitely is the same sort of eternal movement there’s no question of that you know they’re both describing eternal movement for the trefoil doesn’t include within it a model by which it can entangle and we prove that because we tried and failed good okay I think we’ll just leave it at that 10 minutes also and there’s still people in the queue thank you I just saw president Berlin car next right hello Bernard hello Trevor Trevor thank you I enjoyed your talk very much but it was quite a lot to take in and I don’t understand all of it so but and so I was particularly interested of course in the emphasis you put on the trichectra and all these beautiful diagrams I’ve really I’ve got aware of tricactor in as a sort of Celtic Symbol but I haven’t seen it applied in all these ways and I really like the way you’re applying it in all these different context both in as it representation of particle physics the representation of the brain representation of relationships it’s also reminded me a bit of DNA and I was wondering why if you could apply to life in some sense you know but that’s that could be a big question but the more specific question was being a physicist of course I was particularly interested in what you said in terms of it’s relationship to string theory really and gravity and you may references the spinophone but I couldn’t quite work out to what extent you use really work this out as a physical theory and to what extent it’s just sort of a quality discussion have you have you had any feedback from string theorist on this sort of a moment right now you put your finger on the issue here because remember I’m starting from a neurophysiological angle yeah I’m starting from the level of human Dynamics our systems of people and the way they communicate and how they get into habits and routines and so on how you can break those habits and I’ve described in that principles of organization that’s the key term and then realize that those principles scale up and scale down and of course my studies have taken we scaling down into cellular chemistry macramolecular chemistry atomic and quantum I’m new to everybody’s new to it really we’re all guessing our way through it but what I’m saying my theory when my hypothesis is that these principles of organizations the brain has involved to engage with so that we can have consistent social relationships yeah that’s the theory that same set of principles can scale write down into an intricate order with entanglements that is a an order of movement which comes below the level of any it’s it emittee you know building block yeah that is the movement that’s primary that as those entangled because of the sine wave ligames the form between them it generates the three dimensions of space it actually generates those but then where you get string out into a long wave just like a slinky you can get a fourth dimension wave moving along it  yeah that’s the that’s so if the stable domain curls into a particle which is held together by internal waves you can get a vibration of that particle that’s a fifth Dimension you can get vibrations between I don’t know no here I’m guessing so we’re absolutely right this is a qualitative model at the moment and my I set off once I was working on it I set off on a serve to find a quantum physicist who would help me to apply their mathematics to this model to see that if it does match experimental findings and so we can then modify according to experimental findings and I was simply say over a year search I have not found a single quantum physicist who’s winning to talk to me so maybe about celios were talk to you but it needs to you know this is very much angular angular mechanics and so on this the whole lot is curving all the time well of course I’m very fascinated also with with what you just said about the link with dimensions and indeed links with hard dimensions which is one of my own interests I just one little point you may begin which I sort of disagree with which are just say very quickly when you talked about the link between open systems and the acceleration of the Universe I wasn’t really convinced by that because it is true of course that the universe is accelerating but I mean even if the universe wasn’t acceler ated you still have this concept that you can violate the second law of thermodynamics because of you know chaos Syrian things non-linear effects because you can you can locally form ever increasing levels of complexity simply because you’re not violating the second law of thermodynamics globally because you know it’s just a small fraction of the Universe involved in these this increasing structure so I wasn’t really convinced by that argument in other words even if the universe hadn’t been accelerating I reckon your argument would still go through well that’s helpful thank you because that would fit with the way again we’re not have time to go to this now but again in the book of do but it’s I actually believe that an extending track for wave moving into nothingness can actually induce movement in nothingness right can we can actually could look at the process of continuous creation through that sort of dynamic the changing never mind the details about it becomes back down to another couple of Zen paradoxes in the way that all works and but what you’re saying is that yes at any locality here at any locality that same dynamic could be happening and that is why the universe would be expanding at an ever-increasing rate because it is also happening in microorgan localities yeah that’s that’s how the expansion is happening at an increasing rate because it’s happening everywhere so our totally in agreement with you that yes that the chaos the complexity principles can scale up in any locality the problem is when a mentally we make closed systems and believe we can experiment on it right and that experiment tells us the truth it doesn’t it tells us what goes on if we close system that We Created yes I think we’ve only got five minutes left I think that would be well worth trying to develop this in within the context of working group within the Galileo commission and touched about this because I think this there’s a lot of deep very interesting detail to be worked out here and which really needs a much more extended conversation and then we’re able to have in this context so I’m kind of questions and answers David thank you very much yes I mean Jerome messaged me saying does it need a special interest group but I think it’s probably more than commission and I’ll put you in basilian in touch about that Bernard
thank you very much indeed yes thank you Trevor thank you very much has been incredibly rich easy also from the questions a couple of points one I’m put in mind of Gregory basin pattern that yes it’s always working back to Gregory basin because his he has actually incredibly fertile sound mind absolutely and I’m sure you’ll find new new Connections there and then the other the other observation is a relationship between the implicit in the implicit and and the tacit sorry Sheila we haven’t got time for any further questions and the as with David Bohm the implicate or the implicit is what’s end folders or tasset so I’m using tacit in the sense of the Michael planes near the tacitimension and the tacit and explicit and and so when we David Bohm talked about is when we explain something we unfolded into the explican order because to explain literally means to unfold explicitly and I I think this whole metaph listeners new book primacy of process primacy of relationship primacy of between us and we got so used to our sort of subject predicate their distinction our journalistic in their mind matter and where you cannot language and logic of structured and so that you’ve got subject to predicate and boom kept on saying what about the verb the dynamism of the verb it’s in fact the most important element you know defining relationship between the subjects in the predicate and Rick tarnas is very good on their explaining the origins of this it is but the passion codified Greek logics absolutely fascinating I haven’t read it through here but it just sort of came to mind and so as I say I think let’s let’s get a group going within the Galileo commission I think you’ve sent some resources I know there are some people who will very much want to be in touch with you personally and and we’ll take it forward from there so thank you very much again thank you all for coming thank you for the questions

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May 2024



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