Month: May 2024

Yet more from Bath on a sunny but breezy day

Off to Bath to buy some bits and pieces for my birthday party next Sunday. We stopped off at the Methodist church in Manvers Street. There is always a welcome in this clean and bright place with plenty of social activity for the older people. someone has taken the trouble to provide this helpful flyer Sam Evans, 26, he passed away three years ago 24th of May leaving a massive hole in our hearts...

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Starting a new ZOOM group – a practical example

Irrespective of how long I have been in the field, I love starting new things. If something is there in the ether but has not been manifested in the physical form I feel strangely secure. I always felt this way and I cannot explain it This evening I had cause to be the founder or coordinator of a new specialist group that was conceived only last week as an offshoot of an existing group. I feel...

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The extra ordinary amongst the ordinary

We saw this when we went to Farringdon Farm yesterday. Sometimes I say to myself ' you can't make this up' and I would apply this in this instance. Today, a couple of small events one of which took place in Wetherspoons. A lady was having great difficulty in figuring out how to use the app to order drinks. Eventually she went to ask a young man who explained how to pay and 10 minutes later she...

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The lost art of conversation

Anything will grow rusty and fade away without practice and discipline and this applies to conversation with our fellow human beings as well as playing the piano or writing a bike. For some years now I have been associated with Ecademy started by Thomas and Penny Power, Penny writes her ponderings every week and on this one occasion I have taken the liberty of...

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A busy and showery bank holiday in Bath

One of the best measures of whether the tourist season has begun are for some unknown reason the number of Japanese tourists.  We decided to take the bus instead of driving and arrived about 11 am  whereupon we swiftly repaired to the newly refurbished Wetherspoons and had a hot drink . This establishment has been closed for the last month and what they have done apart from some new general...

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Writing a speech for a special occasion

On the occasion of my 80th birthday I have thrown a party and I want to reflect on the last 80 years but also don't want to bore people to death. I will try and give my utterances in postcard size chunks and also introduce a sense of humor where possible. I choose to speak for 2 minutes per decade so that means a 16 minute long speech and the question is can I hold people's attention for that...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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May 2024