Am I the right subject for memory regression?

by | Apr 30, 2024 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I went for a session with the practitioner in Glastonbury today to see if there’s anything in my past lives that would inhibit my success in this life. I believe in pre-existing contracts not only when you come to this life but binding contracts that may have been made in a previous existence.

Although she tried to get me to going to another state of consciousness by for example going down a set of stairs and seeing a field and seeing a house with rooms in and so on I was completely unable to respond and get anything of any value. Interesting that my imagination went on strike. Just nothing, big fat zero, I did not want to invent stuff just to please the practitioner. I wonder if I am the wrong type for such activities as hypnosis or deep state meditation.

On the way home I was able to experience some of the frustrations that regular travelers might find as part of their daily grind. I was at the bus stop at the appointed time 16 minutes past three in the afternoon. No bus came. About half an hour later a local bus came that was going to my first port of call, Wells, but it went all around the houses. I had some business to attend to in Wells and then went to catch the homeward bus. the 173, and after waiting for it for 30 minutes I realised that it was not also not going to turn up.

I returned to the bus station and caught an alternative bus which took me about twice as long. So I left the practitioner at 3 pm and arrived home at 6.55 pm that makes nearly 4 hours of frustration. It is a very bad time of year to travel when the time tables are changing because even the internet does not keep up with a changes so you have currently authoritative information which is entirely redundant.

On reflection I should have taken the car. I cannot say that I found the event disturbing but it is very frustrating to be in a situation where you are helpless and where you could have done better things with your time.

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