Trauma of throwing things away + ‘nobody is your enemy’

by | Apr 19, 2024 | psychology | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Yes I find the trauma of clearing anything away let alone throwing anything away still significant as you may need them at some point. The fact that they have been around for years is not relevant.

Oh my goodness how much stuff we accumulate and how little of it do we really need. Françoise wanted to go out and buy some more conditioner liquid for use in the washing machine cycle and I discovered we had two containers which had been hiding away over the years.

What are the classifications of possible throw away objects to be considered?

1. Those you need on a daily basis such as washing up liquid.
2 those that you need on a weekly or regular basis such as other cleaning materials
3.  Those items that you have had a use for but now are no longer required for example plastic bags
4. Duplicates of things that can be put into storage and don’t need to be within arms reach
5. Items of clothing that don’t fit or are our of fashion.They should be taken to Charity Shops.
6. Objects that had a use at one time but now no longer serve any purpose say old furniture 12 sets of towels, items that are broken.

Books are in a special category. I could count a section of my collection of 1000 books for example biographies, which I will not read again; if I need any particular details I can always refer to the internet. The point is  that I like books. All types of books. Books that I will not read again. I like the smell of them, the touch of them, the design of the covers, so asking me to throw away books is a bit like expecting someone to take off their right arm. However we are running out of space in the bungalow so I must make an attempt to no matter how feeble to get rid of some of them to make way for the new books that I still buy.

I saw this on Facebook today which I find a great source of reflection. It was written by Wenda Wendy

*ANYONE THAT ANNOYS YOU* –is teaching you patience and calmness.
*ANYONE THAT ABANDONS YOU* –is teaching you how to stand up on your own feet.
*ANYBODY THAT OFFENDS YOU* –is teaching you forgiveness and compassion.
*ANYTHING THAT YOU HATE* –is teaching you, unconditional love.
*ANYTHING THAT YOU FEAR* –is teaching you the courage to overcome your fears.
*ANYTHING YOU CAN’T CONTROL* –is teaching you to let go.
*ANY “NO” YOU GET FROM HUMAN* –is teaching you to be independent.
*ANY PROBLEM YOU’RE FACING* –is teaching you how to get a solution to problems.
*ANY ATTACK YOU GET FROM PEOPLE* –is teaching you the best form of defence.
*ANYONE WHO LOOKS DOWN ON YOU* –is teaching you to look up to CREATOR ( *GOD* ).
Always look out for the lesson in every situation you face in every phase of life.
Be polite, calm, gentle and thankful to God because He will be with you to the end.
Life had taught me lessons. I do not see people at my cross road, because humans are not reliable. I only see God as the author and finisher of my faith.
*R E F L E C T I O N S*
*When you live your life without anyone betraying, hurting, disappointing, disgracing or offending you, then it means you never did anything worthy.*
*The beauty of life, is that it comes with disappointments and betrayals, from people you least expect.*
*Unfortunately, some of us spend so much time crying over these betrayals and disappointments, and end up becoming victims of all circumstances.*
*Remember One Thing:* *Holding unto anger is like knocking your head on the wall and expecting the other person to feel the pain. You are only hurting yourself.*
*The fact is that the world is full of annoying, naughty, stupid and ungrateful people, and you will always come across them at one point or another in life. But the best thing to do, is to deal with them with wisdom and maturity.*
*You can’t get everyone to love you, think like you or behave like you… never.*
*We must learn to tolerate and overlook certain things, we must try to bury the faults of others and move on with life.*
*Anger, Hatred and Intolerance have caused most of the world’s problems and solved none.*
*Life is short, you don’t know how much time you have left*
*I beseech you to take the pain and forgive that special person you hold grudges against, and iron out your grievances.*
*Muster the courage and apologise to that person you have offended.*
*Life is not measured by the amount of money, houses or companies you have, but by the positive impact you have made in the lives of others.*

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