Christian Worship – Why did Thomas doubt?

by | Apr 7, 2024 | Christianity | 0 comments

Reading Time: 12 minutes

I arose at 7 o’clock this morning leaving a sleeping Françoise. As I have had a Bemer treatment overnight, which  is a machine that sends vibrational frequencies through the body to keep the blood flow in the micro channels, I had a good glass of water followed by a coffee. I enjoy brewing coffee. I saw a man do this on a street in Marrakesh and have followed it ever since.

Trans World Radio

As it’s my habit, I turned on Trans World Radio to hear a testimony from a young woman who was working in a country of the world where it was very dangerous to follow the Christian Faith. A friend asked her if she was afraid of persecution and her response really stopped me in my tracks. She said ‘persecution is a crown that we wear every day’. In this country the United Kingdom, we are relatively free to practice our faith that is until some absurd globallist act of Parliament seeks to further marginalise the Christian Faith in favor of wokeness what ever that means and subversion of the Ethical spirit of communal responsibility, faith and trust that most of us have been brought up with and adhere to although there may be slippage.

Inconsiderate guests in Wetherspoons

I decided to attend the local Methodist church where services start at 10am and I decided to precede this by having my normal  freedom breakfast at Wetherspoons which happens to be opposite the church. I like to eat in peace and quiet. There were two working men opposite me speaking rather loudly and one of them decided to get a colleague on the phone which they put in loudspeaker mode. I could hear everything that was said and I felt like going up to them and saying that ‘this is not an office’ and if you want to have business conversations could you please do it discreetly but I did not feel like having a confrontation early on Sunday morning, though I accept this may be an excuse, I took my proffered breakfast and found a cabin out of earshot of these people.

The church is used for many purposes + A canceled monthly market

At 9:45, to the church itself. The last time I visited it was when they had a bric a brac sale. There were acres of knitted garments, about 16 sellers in the church hall and about four customers. I met one of the parishioners and we discussed the wind which had prevented the monthly monthly market from taking place. It is normally on the green outside the Council Buildings. I wonder how much notice the stall holders had been given because you need at least 24 hours notice if not more if you are preparing cakes and perishables such as bread.

Some types of food can be put back in the freezer but not certain categories so they must have cursed the system which was perhaps being over cautious. Awning can stand a fair amount of wind if it is tied down properly perhaps with bricks or stones. The parishioner gave suggestions for various alternative venues perhaps inside, perhaps along one wall adjacent to Sainsbury’s or perhaps in the Hollies, which will not mean much to those living outside the area but it is a shopping center with half the properties vacant. I stood up for the outdoors saying how nice it was to be able to walk around which was not possible in narrow areas.

My experience of three local churches

Before I continue, I might add that my adherence to local churches has been checkered to say the least. About six years ago I joined All Saints Church in Paulton. I stumbled along after a fashion but did not quite get on with the vicar though he did deliver a good sermons. We then had to change, to another style of worship with a vicar who wanted to play his guitar as opposed to having an organ and  the Choir. Also, he saw nothing wrong with young children running around the church during a sermon and making a noise. Noise is anathema to me so I tended to visit the coffee mornings on Tuesday, listen to the radio podcast of the Sermon which arrives every Tuesday, and attend the occasional social event.

A couple of years ago, I found the Vineyard Church. This is also known as the vineyard movement which is an international Neo charismatic evangelical Christian Association of churches. The movement is rooted in the Charismatic renewal and historic evangelism. I do not quite fit with the happy-clappy waving your hands around version but I did relate well to the informality and the cohort that did attend which were the sort of people you would not normally find in a church. Recently there was some politics going on in the main branch of vineyard in Bath and the leader and his wife were asked to leave. A couple of weeks ago there was a meeting to try and smooth people’s feathers but the management team who turned up were not prepared to say what exactly happened so they left the audience puzzled and confused.

How not to solve a church problem

If you don’t give reasons for something people tend to assume the worst as happened in this case. We then received a letter from our local leader saying that there would be no more House groups and that instead they would be three meetings at monthly intervals to try and resolve the situation. This is about as bad a decision as I could envisage so until the clouds have passed, as I put in my letter to the local leader, I would worship elsewhere as if you understand anything about consciousness, it cannot be contained within one group and will affect or infect all codependent groups of the same nature.

Morning Service at Midsomer Methodist Church

I went to the Methodist Church when I first came ten years ago and now I find myself back there again. No churches perfect but I like the formula of hymns commerce prayers, reading the gospel, and a sermon. Is what I call ‘ homegrown’ .

Our servant Lydia

A lady called Lydia was busy handing out the service sheet and giving out a square of paper and a pen for our use during the summon. I was very interested in the name Lydia, which you don’t get every day, and I looked up the meaning of the name. Lydia told me that her parents wanted to give her a name with Christian significance.
Lydia is a fascinating and beautiful name with a long and rich history. It is a traditionally feminine name that has origins in both Ancient Greece and Christianity’s New Testament. It was first used in the 2nd Century BCE, during the Iron Age The name Lydia translates to “from Lydia,” referring to ancient peoples from the Lydia region of Asia Minor.
However, the Greek roots mean “beautiful one” or “noble one.” In the fifth book of the New Testament, Acts of the Apostles, Lydia of Thyatira was a businesswoman and the first convert to Christianity in Europe. Lydia was said to have hosted the apostle Paul after his release from prison.

A mixed congregation, and noise problems

We have one or two visitors from a home for people with mental disabilities and they tend to clap for no reason, shout out and try and sing the hymns hopelessly out of tune but they are generally well behaved. Also  I had a chat with one of the parishioners about the presence of children in a play pen halfway through the service. I had found their noise a little bit irritating but it was pointed out that this was an exception, and that they did not want to have parents or grandparents come along and dump their children in another room.

I can see that the association would not have been good. I can see that the situation involves balancing many factors. I can come along with an extreme view and it can be corrected by the right information which happened in this case. I found the service very helpful particularly the sermon or homily as it is called.

Inspiration of the day

During the talk I heard from within, and I don’t know where this came from, announcing that  we Christians of faith are ‘the door through which eternity enters’.

The sermon/address

The topic was on generosity. The first reading was from the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 4: verse 32-35

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

The etymology of generosity is interesting. The origins are slightly different from what you would imagine.

early 15c., “nobility, goodness of race,” from Latin generositatem (nominative generositas) “nobility, excellence, magnanimity,” from generosus “of noble birth; magnanimous” (see generous). Meaning “munificence, quality of being generous” is recorded from 1670s.

The word ‘munificence’ itself may need some further examination

“quality of giving or bestowing liberally or lavishly,” early 15c., from Old French munificence, from Latin munificentia “bountifulness, liberality, generosity,” from stem of munificus “generous, bountiful, liberal,” literally “present-making,” from munus “gift or service; function, task, duty, office” (see municipal) + unstressed stem of facere “to do” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”).

Related to this word is the work ‘largesse’

“willingness to give or spend freely; munificence,” c. 1200, from Old French largesselargece “a bounty, munificence,” from Vulgar Latin *largitia “abundance” (source also of Spanish largueza, Italian larghezza), from Latin largus “abundant, large, liberal” (see large). In medieval theology, “the virtue whose opposite is avarice, and whose excess is prodigality” [The Middle English Compendium]. For Old French suffix -esse, compare fortress. Related:

What makes security?

How very far we are away from this. I do still associate security with how much there is in the bank and I’m a bit obsessive about keeping an account of every transaction which I do on a daily basis. I hear many stories of people who have got into trouble through not being careful enough with money. My father used to do the same thing. He used to keep ledgers and write everything in there including household expenditure. I was never allowed to see these books but I knew he kept them

Am I a hoarder?

I think of my own domiciliary unit, full to the brim including the bungalow attic of the combined possessions of myself and Françoise when we moved from our separate places and combined our resources.  My particular predilection for hoarding is that of books of which I have about 1000. A friend drew my attention to a book shop in Bath who would consider reselling them and that I should take a long a photograph of some of the books to see if there was any interest. I do not want my books thrown away on a tip but one to find a good home for them.  As this country is following the rules of 1984 I don’t know for how much longer we will have books but hopefully some sort of change of mind on a national basis will prevent their extinguishing along with all other types of culture.

Has anyone been generous to me recently?

The preacher invited us to describe any act of generosity which we had performed or which we had seen the formed on us. We were invited to drop a note on a square of paper kindly supplied when we left the church. I could not think of anything to say. I do things for people and occasionally they do something for me but I can think of no special acts of generosity certainly within the last week. My default mode is to expect nothing of anybody, except for a few close friends. That’s a bit sad I must admit, but I do not want to set myself up for being disappointed.

Doubting Thomas
We then discuss the second reading from which we get the famous or infamous doubting Thomas, a phrase still used today as it has entered global consciousness

Jesus Appears to His Disciples. This was from the gospel of John Chapter 20.

19 On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.
21 Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”
22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
23 If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.”
24 Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came.
25 So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”
But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Seeing is believing

I must admit that I don’t trust what people say because I want to see the evidence with my own eyes so I don’t think that Thomas the Disciple was the only one in this category. In the Christian faith there are certain things we are asked to take on trust including prayers that do not have any immediate answer. I believe that we get answers to prayer when we are ready, when the circumstances are conducive and the timing is right not in response to our demand out of greed or insecurity or panic. Had my prayers been answered immediately they were offered I would properly be in a terrible mess.

Thomas realized what he had done but was petulant in front of the other disciples and he was a week later reprimanded by Jesus  almost in a gentle way by saying that you have believed me but more blessed are they who have not seen it and yet have believed.

The difficulty in believing

I find it very difficult in this day and age to believe in the power of God with regard to the evil of this world and I suspect that we are being tested in our faith and our vision to realize that we are the saviors that we have been waiting for and it is up to us to stop being passive and starts standing up for what we believe to be right.

That is my reaction to these verses but it may not be yours

Reaction to being let down

I have been let down so many times by other people in terms of promises made that I have hardened myself up to not expecting anything and I would far rather not have to say this but it has become true. Reliable people I can count on the fingers of one hand.  I saw often get lame excuses ‘ I have been meaning to do so and so’ but in my book you either do something or you don’t and I tend to do things immediately.

17h 7.4.24  The wind continues to blow and make roaring noises down the chimney.  Last night we watched a documentary about Queen and then one about Jimmy Hendrix.  Tonight, one about Amy Whitehouse.  I lament the passing of John Lennon, Prince, Michael Jackson, Maurice Gibb, George Michael  and even Buddy Holly Maybe they used the wrong words in certain songs. You cant be too careful these days.

I await the results of the solar eclipse due tomorrow 8th April 2024. See this article for further thoughts. Historic facts about solar eclipses and comments that you need to know.   Stop World Control

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