Month: March 2024

How to run meetings… plus developing this site

Developing this website And now some therapy for me and my website, this is the one you are now reading. I'm trying to make this website a model of good practice and accessibility. I have decided to have monthly meetings with my day-to-day service provider. This is beneficial for many reasons or so I have found. As I go along I notice small items that do not work as well as I would like to see....

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Mothering Sunday

A new church experience I left early for my 10:30 am service and stopped off at Porky's which is my ultimate working men's class cafe hoping to have a coffee and a snack or two but when I arrived, the place was full. To the Methodist Church as I entered at 10:20, 10 minutes before the service, there were one or two people sitting in the church. The final number at the start of the service was 12...

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Bitcoin – a delicious headline- A seed swapping day

For a few years now I have heard about Bitcoin. This evening I listened to a 90-minute presentation by John Bush who is associated with his site Free Academy. The presentation was exciting in that he had complete control over his subject matter, gave the talk at the same time as looking at the comments and did some juggling with slide presentations. Currently my main discipline with figures is...

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Bristol to London for less than a cup of coffee

The satisfaction of advance planning If there's one thing I enjoy, it is advance planning. I make most of my plans for the main spine of my activities weeks before the event and that includes imagining what might go wrong and making corrections before I ever set foot on public transport or step in my car. I'm going to visit my sister in Croydon, London, in April and today is the time for booking...

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Is the Fourth Dimension a progressive or a retrogressive spiritual step?

Have I written the most unreadable blog ever? (today's specialist blog).  I realise that dimensionality is not everyone's cup of tea or coffee. I realized that most people are more concerned about what they're going to have for lunch, how they're going to pay the bills, and so such existential topics as dimensionality are in the far distance.  I decided to write that entry for me for once. I...

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Do spam emails get on your nerves?

Morning coffee at Paulton All Saints What a lovely day. Blue sky and sun. 11 degrees C.  To the coffee morning at all Saints Paulton where I have not been for some time. I met a lady whose son is called Chris who is currently teaching at a very difficult class in a school in Frome. He does not seem to do any actual teaching. He spends his time explaining that you have to listen to the teacher,...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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March 2024