Month: January 2024

In praise of Wetherspoons

Who can this be at this time of the morning? The day started in an unusual fashion. We were lounging in bed as one does on a Saturday morning and at about nine o'clock the doorbell rang. I hastily assembled myself in some sort of decent order and peered out of the front door to be greeted with an immaculately dressed nurse coming on a home visit. Was I dreaming? Was this a message from another...

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Disposophobia – fear of throwing things away

I must have this condition because I find it almost impossible to throw things away. Today I assembled all my clothes in the living room. Apart from underwear and socks I have many vests including thermal vests, about 15 serviceable shirts, 15 T-shirts, 6 jerseys and numerous tops for going out in various weather conditions plus various trousers for summer and winter use, plus casual trousers...

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The Tax Man commeth – the dreaded day draws close – Amazon – spam calls

Tax returns I hate filling in tax forms. Come to that I hate filling in any sort of forms . I have to revert to a pupil - teacher 'write down 100 times' mode. FULL NAME    ADDRESS    POST CODE    DATE OF BIRTH     EMAIL    MOBILE NUMBERS   NHS NUMBER (IF KNOWN)    HEIGHT   WEIGHT    DRINKING HABITS and the latest nonsense MALE / FEMALE / PREFER NOT TO SAY Most of the questions are not relevant...

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The experience of Kinesiology

I'm quite curious to see in what way this diary will develop . In reality my diary records are a mixture of shared wisdom, commentary on current issues social and political,  observations on life here in Somerset. There is an opportunity for others to participate with their own views if they wish to engage with this platform. In my work I come across very interesting links to articles of...

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The funnier side of life – a new phase in this diary

Today I woke up to what was a bleak landscape within my head - what with our Post Office scandal in the UK and the Israelis doing an impression of Hitler versus the Jews , seemingly without any respite after three months . What is there to look forward to?  We have seen wars and disturbances for thousands of years. Apparently human nature considers that it is better to fight physically rather...

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What Early Birds Get Up to – killing Christians for sport

An early bird rises I arose at 4:30 this morning after having satisfied my need for sleep. There seems little point in remaining in bed if you do not feel tired. I signed on to Channel 5 and this to be able to watch historical programs and I watched a documentary film about the winter of 1947 and the unrelenting snow that fell for the best part of seven weeks. The floods that came after were of...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,142 words across 1,645 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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