back to 1500 BC + being an even better friend

by | Jan 28, 2024 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 12 minutes

Yet more ‘coincidences’

I must be a walking advertisement for the need to follow your intuition because unusually I decided to go to breakfast early at Wetherspoons. It does not start to get busy until about 9:30 on Sunday so I put in my order which most people are trained to give with the utmost brevity. Table 37, freedom breakfast, hot drink. That’s all you have to say. I went to the machine to serve myself coffee and sat down to look at my emails and lo and behold, the breakfast arrived straight away.

I feel in my bones that this may be quite a long diary entry as I already got enough to keep me set up for the day. Anyway, the first part is about being a good friend. I pride myself on being a good and reliable friend so if anyone is in trouble I will jump to attention and do what I can.  In a way it is a bit like praying for them, you are focusing on them and visualizing the best for them.

Being an intuitive and remote viewer is a two-way thing because you pick up the good, the message needed for the person to develop, but also if you are not very careful with your continual focusing, you can pick up the bad as well so  that requires discipline and humility and focus in the greater good  We are here to serve.

Linked with this is an article I read by John Manley about doing things for other people. I have previously written about selfishness,  self respect. See my article ‘Is it selfish to be self-regarding? which is an introduction,  and then see below

As I left Wetherspoons after having finished my breakfast, I fe;t a very strong pull to talk to someone in the adjacent cabin.  He was conversing animatedly with another chap, it could have been his son, and I went up to him and said that he should write a book. I tease him and asked him if he ever stopped thinking to which he replied no. That got us off to a very good start .

Without missing a beat he talked about himself and what he had been doing. It turns out that he buys and sells antiques and told me a strange story about a woman who was looking for a ceramic tip to an old teapot and he was able to advise her. He also watches the same Antique Road Show as I do. He does not particularly like Drew but does like T, who is Drew’s ever affable co-driver. He told stories that did not show people in a very good light but I said that he is a character and I described that as ‘color’. I told him he would either wear people down with these conversations or sell them lots of goods and he said that one person came into his house recently and walked away with four items.

To The Vineyard Church in Radstock

for my Sunday morning service. It was well attended with about 25 adults and some children. The rule is that the children join in during the service but when it comes to the sermon or address they go into another room to play.

We had an interesting testimony from someone who buried their father back in 2004 and ever since then the sister of this man had cut off from him completely. This was due to a misunderstanding on the removal of items from the deceased’s house which included a medal and some tools. From then on the sister refused to speak to the person giving the testimony. At the funeral of his wife he decided to call her and invite her to come. She replied in an antagonistic fashion. He wrote her along letter saying that he took the items in good faith and will be glad to return them to her. He apologized profusely for any hurt he had caused.

She agreed to come back and pick them up and come for a meal. They stayed far longer than they anticipated. On another social occasion the sister stayed for eight hours. It is a sobering thought how long unresolved matters can sit stewing in the soul. It’s took a funeral to bring the brother and sister together again and resolve differences. Of course nothing is wasted but one can only contemplate what could have gone on if the sister had taken the trouble in the first instance.

We had communion this morning and Charlotte, one of the ladies, had prepared a very careful and thorough talk on how the act of  Holy Communion was seen by Jesus himself in the Gospels.  This was followed by the Communion itself and then a talk by one of the coordinators who spoke about the importance of love, a summary of the various types of love, and in general a rallying call to be closer to God.  I told her that I was very impressed by the preparation and praised her. Most people do not take praise very well and some do not believe it thinking there is an ulterior motive. When I give people compliments, I have to tell them and warn them that I am about to give them a compliment. It’s as bad as that.

Helping a friend in need

I had a request from a friend,  who works professionally, telling me that she felt very bad after having attended her sister-in-laws funeral. She described herself as feeling *ropey,  which I imagine is in English phrase)and think she may have picked something up as she is aching all over. She feels thoroughly beaten up.
* from rope. meaning of poor or deteriorating quality

My initial reaction was that it is very difficult to tell what pain is coming from the body and what pain is coming from some conflict in the mind or spirit and reflects itself in the body. As many of you know I am blessed with being able to do remote viewing so I had a look at the chakras and could not find one that had been trained. In case you think this is strange, it is possible through focus to cause harm to someone if they are not prepared. That is why sometimes people feel not themselves or not within their bodies.

I asked her to give me the names of the main people at the funeral and I could find nothing there. I told her so and she admitted to a big clash with a professional colleague where she lives. I found the effect of this colleague was the cause of up to 70% of her problem

She agreed that my ‘readings tell it as she felt’. She kept getting awful heartburn while she was attending the funeral and had it again the day after. Re my comment she agreed with me about the origin of the energetic effect saying that she had been accepted for some training and the person concerned that I identified had been attempting to hijack process which explained my hypothesis of the ‘brute force’ element. I said I will pray for her and put some protection around her.

She thanked me and said that she had felt like she had been stabbed in the back of the heart and the front. I said to put a protection around the person who is attacking, essentially one of love, and she said that she feels much better now and I said that the intention to do so has already made a difference. She said that she is now making good progress and thinks she had to be tested and she feels she has come out positive.

She then said something but that was very interesting to me. On the nights when she was really down, her cat Tiger Tom came and lay right next to her head and nuzzled his cheek next to hes and his purring sent her off to an ecstatic sleep. The cat never ever does that. Last night he gravitated to sleeping and powering against her back – again very smoothing.

Thoughts on the motives for helping others

Should you only help others if you’re getting something in return? This was written by John Manley and can be read here. I agree of most of what he says with a small reservation that there is too much focus on the physical level of behavioral activity and not enough of the drive on the eternal soul to make the conditions of others more comfortable. For Christian knows that their father in heaven will see everything and it is futile to try and calculate how much of something has been done for someone else and what their reaction is. Are you down the end of the day?

A person can thank you profusely and yet not make any changes in their life and yet you may help someone whom you never see again and they benefit enormously. It’s a really good thing that we don’t know, and we shall not know until we die the effect of our actions on other people. Our job is to keep our compass pointed towards unity as opposed to divisiveness and that’s a really difficult thing to do. During the time of Jesus over 2000 years ago and it is difficult to do it now. It’s called character training.

How we can become an even better friend.

First and foremost, it consists or being there when someone needs you. You have to really care about them. If you don’t care they will pick that up and will not bothered to call you in the first place. It is they’re not a good idea to say to them ‘ why didn’t you call me?’  no one is going to say that they did not feel you cared enough but they will just mumble some excuse.

The second rule is that you lay aside other matters depending on the importance and urgency of the question. An example of this would be ‘in extremis’ an attempt to take someone’s own life.  I regard it as an honor to be asked to help because it means they trust you enough to let you in to their lives and if you do it correctly then the quality of the bond of the friendship increases. As I may have said before, if you want to go to heaven you cannot go on your own, rather take as many people as possible with you.

The third rule is that you should state in advance are your competences. As a psychic, I have been asked to comment on the validity of various medical procedures including The taking of medicines and I have to say that from the professional point of view I’m not qualified to comment and they should seek advice for example from their doctor. By professional I do not mean that money has to change hands, I mean that if you set up as an expert or even an enthusiast, you need to make such a declaration which among other things avoids people having a force sense of hope.

The fourth rule and the supplies to anyone at any time it is not to over promise because when people are in a bad state they will cling at straws and if you let someone down then I’m afraid in karmic terms that is down to you but if you say you will do your best but they must use their own intuition then that is a better situation to be in.  You could say the golden rule is promise little and deliver much. I cannot understate the importance of just being there for people even if you are not technically competent to help them at least they know that they can have a winge with you on the phone at any reasonable time, as this is worth its weight in gold.

Of course there are many other rules and guidelines. I am giving those that are obvious to me in this case.

An afternoon at the Somerset Levels

It it is good when the days lengthen and we can do more. Today, the sun sets at 4:37 pm. In view of the warmer if not sunny weather we decided to pay a visit to the famous Somerset Levels which are about 20 miles from us, about 40 minutes by car. The levels contain a Bronze Age area including a settlement known to date back to 1500 years BC. It is a place with a unique atmosphere and I would strongly recommend anyone to go. You will find your tension levels diminish.

Thus follows a largely pictorial description. We met a man who was very familiar with the various migration patterns of the birds and told us that bitterns comment ten years ago, were virtually extinct but now there are evidently 46 pairs which is most encouraging. It is a very friendly place where you can talk to anyone and exchange with them. I can always exchange particularly well with people who love nature as we have something in common to talk about.

But first we went to Sweets Tea Rooms Cafe in Blakeway, near Wedmore. It has recently been refurbished and enlarged. Set your GPS to BS28 4UE. It is open Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am

A very large home made scone – warmed – with lashings of cream and jam £3.50

What a way to dress an old fashioned bath

The powers that be had made a big effort to make clear and welcoming signage in the information centre that is well-sign posted. There is also an outside museum of prehistoric life as it used to be which is in the process of being built.


Very cleverly they have placed tons of wood chip from nearby felled trees on the nearly clear areas and it makes for a very pleasant experience. Someone is putting a lot of work into this place and managing it very carefully. You can see the pruning of tree branches as you pass which is very discreet and selective.

the wind making ripples in the water of a lake


The mysterious …what I thought were mushrooms …  but actually lichen. Peltigera Canaina

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