A bad pun? + coffee morning- thoughts from 2023

by | Dec 19, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A clever use of words from an old friend of mine. This is instead of a normal Christmas card (I guess).

There were about 20 people in the enclosed area at the lack of the church. Some spilled out into the nave.

church – general view

To All Saints Church Paulton for a special coffee morning. most of the congregation turned out. It was if anything a little too crowded for my liking as I could not circulate. Thus follows a selection of decorations in the main body of the church. Well done those who put a lot of effort into it. Some work was from local schools.

If there is anyone local to Midsomer or Radstock and would like to become involved then do visit the web site for details of courses.

End of year reflections

I’m becoming more aware not only or what is being said by others but the state of mind they are in when they say the words. We have to keep our moral compass facing towards the light at all times and it is in our interactions that this is challenged. Jesus said that when you were not accepted by a village you should walk away and wipe the dust from your feet. I have done this with someone recently who made an accusation against me. They did have a point but the hostility albeit disguised that they said it with put me off completely. I decided to have nothing more to do with that person. As I keep on saying, it is all In the voice.

Trying to deal with people off your own wavelength is a waste of time and energy and can lead to hostility. I believe you have to just let them be. We must conserve energy to keep ourselves in trim so that we can lead by example. This is a 24/7 operation.


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