Odd sleeping habits lead to productive results

by | Dec 17, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you find my working habits a bit strange, bear with me. I take the view that if I wake up, I have had my dose of sleep . If I have not had enouth shut-eye then I make up for it during the day with power napping. (is this another American import?). When I feel like getting up with a mission I do so, as I have done this Sunday morning, at 6:30 a.m. to write some emails.

If a letter is in my head I want to translate it to the real thing without delay. Chances are I will forget the detail if I delay.

A client wrote to me saying that he would have to postpone his appointment because his mother had passed. This sort of thing stimulates me to pull out all the stops and say something useful. I have had a lot of experience of life after death – so called – and know that the problems can be not so much with the departed, who is hopefully enjoying their new existence, but with the state of mind of those left behind.

There can be a mixture of celebration, if the departed had made a good contribution to this life. It can be a release if they were suffering from some disease such as Alzheimers but also it does bring to the surface unanswered questions about the continuity of life e.g. do I believe in life after death etc, do I have any problems.

Why write a will?

Intra family problems can arise. Also if the deceased has not made a will then it is quite common that remaining family members to fight over it. That is not seemly at a funeral but happens afterwards. Everyone has a duty to themselves and to others to write a will and if necessary review it from time to time. I’m told that 31 million UK adults are at risk of dying without a will and that’s a serious amount of anxiety, fighting, wasting time and money, through something that can be done in a simple and straightforward manner.

If you are young, that doesn’t mean you are guaranteed not to die because the Grim Reaper can take any one at any time. People think that because they live together the surviving partner will automatically inherit and alas this is not the case. If you are not married you need to focus even more on what would happen to your estate in the unfortunate and not so unlikely event of premature passing. It’s no good saying, ‘I will get around to it sometime’.

How can I help this person

In another letter from a friend received in the past few hours I’m told that a marriage is in a difficult state, loyalties lie elsewhere, and what can I do. The answer is that the earlier I am told, the more scope I have to make constructive suggestions and it is quite common to be asked what to do very late in the day when most of the parameters have been fixed and to try and solve things by the legal route would be hugely expensive.

There is a profound proverb “hope for the best, prepare for the worst”. It should be fairly self-explanatory; we have to balance offensive or proactive and defensive or self-protective factors. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds. Dream big but be reconciled if things don’t work out.

Naivety is the enemy here.

A surprise on the Internet

Looking on the internet never fails to find something that is of interest. In my situation it is more being interested about people who are awake and alert to what is really going on. I just happened to notice that there is a weekend conference going on called ‘false flags and conspiracies’ it is in mid-America somewhere but it is on zoom and it is free. Zoom seems to be the default way, or becoming so, these days so from 3:00 p.m. GMT I shall be taking part. I would not have even known about it had I not chanced to look in my spam.

Outrageous attitude – very American

I I’ve also just found a site which are the face of it is after my own heart. It is called GetWokeUp.com and it is a U.S. Satirical platform at the expense Main Stream Media and of those who take themselves too seriously in this ridiculous woke movement which I regard as a collection of immature retards.

They see all sorts of meanings in things that are not there and which have no relevance to the average Joe wanting to make a living and get on with his or her life. Again, I found this when looking for something else.



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