[tta_listen_btn] Today, talk on the news of an Indian summer, and indeed the weather looks very promising. I was drinking my coffee at about 8:30 this morning when the mobile phone rang with an unusual prefix, +64 Someone was calling on WhatsApp and I forgot that this service is free of charge. Why anyone pays for using the phone I don't know. I know that in the United Kingdom they are going to...
Month: October 2023
Consciousness + Zero carbon
[tta_listen_btn] Brian: (to John) see yesterday's diary, scroll down. Brian: I sent you the excerpt that I was hoping to talk about, consciousness and inspiration. On the face of it, it is a very simple thing. It should be obvious shouldn't it but I get the feeling that it's actually something that could be moved forward a bit. I think it's speaking about clarity of thought really or you are...
A High Street wander + a consultation + St. Timothy
[tta_listen_btn] I have given myself a challenge of writing 1500 words of original material each day. I like the idea that everyone is or could be a work of art in human form. Accordingly this morning I decided to go for a walk and on the walk wondered how I was going to fill the day. Good things happened between 8.15 and 10.00 (see below) resulting in me sitting here at 10 o'clock, my head...
Sudden holiday – bread – a garden visit – India – Liars
[tta_listen_btn] I had done my routine tasks for the day and was wandering around wondering how I could best fill my day. Francoise returned from yoga with a copy of the Midsomer Journal which comes out every Tuesday weekly. I flicked through, read the letters column and then this advert jumped out at me. Every single travel arrangement I make starts in this way. I am minding my own business...
My day started at 4.54 am
[tta_listen_btn] Last evening - We are using our wonderful heavy duty juicer to take all the grapes that were produced in our garden and obtain the most wonderful grape juice. I had a drink of it last night but alas a little bit late and I forgot there's an awful lot of sugar in it albeit natural so I had to pay for that, but overall it was refreshing and in future I will have such a drink...
Flying at 30,000 feet – sanity – Gossip – SMN ZOOM meet
[tta_listen_btn] View of the aircraft wing above the clouds at sunrise. My Christian friend and colleague David has done it again. What has he 'done'? He was there and present for me. As I mentioned yesterday he has to put up with my utterings and ramblings but I don't think he realises how much inspiration is released in my consciousness when "two or three are gathered together in My Name". ...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,642,728 words across 1,761 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703