Swansea – Day 2 – museums markets and wind farms

by | Oct 9, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 6 minutes

We took a bus somewhat after 10 o’clock in the morning, the X7, and alighted at the central bus garage which is really posh and well designed for large numbers of vehicles arriving and departing. Well done architects.  The cost for a day ticket is £4.70.  Warning – Free bus passes issued in England do not work in Wales.

Museums a-plenty can be found in the area to the sea side of the town divided by the main through route.  It is a pity the road is there in a (the) way as the museums are separated  from the town as such but never mind.

After leaving the bus station we visited the National Waterfront Museum. Just to be doubly sure where we are here is the national symbol, a dragon. It is physically very large, on  two floors. The variety of items and themes is too great to even list here so I suggest you visit the website for a better view. The staff are helpful.

The picture shows the view from the upstairs window of an area that used to be used for docking bananas and for distribution throughout the United Kingdom.

Interestingly in the grounds outside the museum there were some allotments with 10 raised beds.  The descriptive text read ‘raised beds are a simple way of transforming space dash especially where there is little soil depth, or where contamination and heavy industry have left their mark. They also provide multi-level access for people. These raised beds contain over 40 tons of topsoil, mixed with manure and sand’

The day was still with very little wind so we got a reflection in the water of the many boats parked – or moored should I say.

A hidden Gem

We had a wander around the very well designed housing estate which abutted the sea front and in front of the old Harbour. We noticed a tiny little shop, you could call it quirky, and I was immediately attracted to it. When I got back home to Somerset I rang the lady concerned, Kelly, an American, and I discovered that Françoise does the same type of work – though not with old books. Kelly  has a wonderful channel on YouTube and Françoise and I watched a video. Next time we go to Swansea we shall definitely visit her. What an absolute gem and what a delight. See below

Website: https://bookandpaperarts.com/about/

One of the videos from her channel:

And now to the market, which claims to be the biggest one in Wales.

Markets are very personal ‘individual’ places and people go there  regularly to shop and out of loyalty to the seller. I don’t think any description is adequate and I hope some of the images that I took will convey something of the charm and the variety of the stalls.   I don’t think ‘stalls’ is the right word but I can’t think of a better one.   It is so lovely to see stall after stall of fresh fish and fresh meat and fresh vegetables  not to mention various types of bread. I could have spent £100 there without any difficulty, the problem is that we had no cold place to store the food on our journey home.

A journey to some wind farms.

We had enough at this point so we went to the bus station, again I say what a lovely work of art, and we decided to go home and then set off into the hillside to see what we could find. We went west along the M4 for a bit and then turned to the right where some hills beckoned. We found ourselves at a high point. The view would have been even more spectacular had there been a lack of mist which was already coming down although it was only 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

All these towers are connected together and to the grid. This is a map of the whole. In the distance were other groups of towers.


It is difficult to describe how big these masts are. If you look at this picture, at the bottom you will see a tiny figure. This is Françoise. You have to stand underneath it to understand its sheer size.

Home Jeeves

To the hotel and then to the Harvester restaurant, another half a pint each of delightful beer. We ate some food at the hotel.  We had incessant  news from the BBC on Israel and Hamas which I had had enough of.   What about this event reminds me of 9/11?
At another table in the hotel restaurant / bar there were two muscular men,  obviously rugby players, and I commented to them that they were two types of men in Wales. Rugby players and fans, and others.  Thank goodness they found that quite funny.
 We repaired to our room. The television did not go on and we spent the time either dozing or reading. That was a very full day.

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