Month: October 2023

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966 film – thank you Clint)

God Is On Our Side? At least, that is what Netanyahu and his cohort believes.  That wonderful book of unconditional love, The Torah, explains that other races are subhuman and not worthy of life. The Palestinians know this first hand. I cannot imagine what it will be like to know that my little cul de sac in a country town has been destroyed, let us say it was one of the bungalows, and another...

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Clocks back- Sunny Sunday morning

Times they are a changing Courtesy of the change to our time to GMT we were 'gifted' with an extra hour in bed this morning. I always go through a mild existential questioning when I ask if the clock has gone backwards or forwards. Of course we will pay for it this evening but I think that's livable with. Why I write my diary, nth iteration I've decided to mention on a regular basis the...

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Synchronicity Symposium Part 2 – reflections

  I have just had three hours of collective listening to three very good speakers and I have just left the afternoon session 60% of the way through because my head is bursting with ideas and the text for today's diary. Following on the statement made by Catherine of Genoa a few days ago I feel that I am a monist. Monism is a theory or doctrine that denies the existence of a distinction of...

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Synchronicity symposium

My last few gardening jobs for 2023 Animals live in harmony with nature.  We are part of nature but we are not animals.  I find myself responding very strongly to the seasons. I am winding down my garden work now and will probably do two or three more jobs then  I will watch while nature goes to sleep and then reinvent itself next year. There may be the odd winter job but I can see myself...

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A Saintly individual + what is a boring person?

I continue to be amazed by the profundity of saintly people with a vision, and no axe to grind; these people see things for what they are, that we are portable versions of God or God in physical form or an aspect of God which can be  partly seen in physicality. The criterion for an absolute truth is that it should be simple to understand by every living being and this is about as clear as it...

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£4.25 for a latte whilst homeward bound

Thoughts on leaving as a guest. I have known my friend John for about 40 years and there aren't that many people that I can say that I have had relationships of such duration. People often drift away from each other and although they might meet occasionally to say hello the duration tells its own story and speaks its own message. I have another friend called Gregory who I met at the age of about...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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