Ticket splitting and weeds

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Bargain Fares?

We are contemplating a trip to London in November so yesterday I went to Bath  rail station to look at the cost of two tickets return and with a rail card  the price quoted was £92

Today I  visited a ticket splitting site and I got the same journey for two people for £60 total.  The idea should be self-explanatory but it means that you can combine two separate journeys into one, so long as the relevant train stops at a suitable station on the way.   To travel by National Express at this time of year would cost us £21 for two people return so there is a difference and I could certainly afford the train.  Another factor is time. One takes  one hour 25 minutes and the other three hours 30 minutes.

Weeds, weeds and more weeds.

This video caught my attention immediately because it shows that weeds have a function a bit like a roof on a house and the commentator very kindly gives us or shares with us the right attitude towards this genre.

About this site

I am considering the way I present information to you from other readers, to see if there’s anything I can do,  so today I talked with my web designer.  What I’m going to say now applies to all websites for all purposes so it is not particular to my diaries. First of all we have to consider what a person wants to gain from the site and they will only know when they start reading so we have to tempt them to read.

Secondly we have to consider the attention span of people. If we have a lot of topics demanding our attention and very little time, then I would not expect anyone to spend more than five seconds deciding if they wanted to read or continue reading.

Question –  what can a person gain from reading this website that they wouldn’t gain from reading another website. In the case of Russell Brand who has achieved notoriety recently it’s probably because it is Russell Brand and you either hates him or love him. He has stuck his neck out on many matters so people are probably polarized when they switch over to him.

However, I do not have such a profile for which I am grateful. People in my position have to make it quite clear quite soon what they have to offer and in my case it is a considerable body of local knowledge which may be valuable to not only those who live here in Somerset but those who are thinking of visiting or moving to this area.

I try not to be self-indulgent in my writing,  though I do report my feelings. I do not wish to bore anyone with repetition so we try to give something new each day and so far after about 1300 diary entries, we have for the most part avoided repetition. I like reading other people’s Diaries because I can see the world through their eyes if only momentarily and can get some sort of  insight into how other people might feel and react.

When we do a rewrite in about a month’s time you will see links to various cities such as Bath, Frome, Bristol, Wells, Glastonbury,  so those desiring to know what it is like from a visitor’s point of view will have plenty of material at their disposal

When Samuel Pepys wrote his diaries he may or may not have written for the benefit of posterity but I suspect he wrote because he enjoyed it.  Also, it is a work of art and you don’t paint a work of art because of the number of people that will see it, you painted because the ability to do so is embedded in your mind and your consciousnesses.

You can’t write over one million words as he did with quill pen and poor lighting without being totally dedicated. His works were hidden or stored in a library for 100 years before being made available.  They have become part of English Heritage.

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