Snapshots of a journey to London Day 2/8

by | Sep 11, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

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Day 1   Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7    Day 8

This is the first morning of our week of freedom where we complete ourselves pretty much what we do.  To Victoria and from thence a local line to Brixton.   First we had a meeting at 11:30 with the lady who wanted to see us about our work and  our website. This was preceded by a visit to Brixton Library which is a very community based place and at the time there was an art exhibition which we very much enjoyed.

Having finished the meeting we then took a bus to Herne Hill.   We went to the Lido in the hope that Françoise could have a swim  but alas due to the sunny day all 500 places were booked so we had to reluctantly leave the scene. We went for a wander round Stockwell Park and from thence to the area of shops around Herne Hill station.  Every Sunday morning there is a market which alas we missed.

We had a look around, were staggered by the price of coffee,  around £3.50,  and went round the back of the station where we found a lovely coffee bar.  On the way we enjoyed some murals.

We had a lovely experience at one of the less obvious eating establishments, pictured above, a place by the name of Artisan Dough. The shop had a different feel to it and the prices were more moderate than the obvious tourist traps round the corner. I felt the people were friendly and caring and didn’t see me like a number. I had a latte and a pastry. When we had finished, two of the staff set outside on the left table and having a break. I was moved to speak to them and complement them on not being greedy with their prices, on creating a caring service and making the whole place a work of art in itself.

The lady that I spoke to whose name was Rachel entered into the spirit of the dialogue and said they aimed to create competitive pricing. I had noticed that the attitude of the clientele was very familiar so they obviously come here quite frequently; loyalty is something that is built up quite slowly so well done everyone.

Very few people in my observation bother to give feedback or praise. I love praising people as I find it often encourages them. When I had staff working for me I tried not to take anything for granted.

On the way back to the station we saw this mural. Very ‘Brixton’

We also saw a couple more  including the one below which I found quite enlightening. Very disguised idealism methinks

The Elizabeth Line

We took this opportunity to visit the Elizabeth line, our first visit. I’m impressed at the platforms being very wide and the trains quiet and comfortable with plenty of space inside (see images). Air conditioning was good i.e. it was working.

We went as far as our zone 5 travel card would allow, Chadwell Heath. It is fair to say that it is an undistinguished and unremarkable part of London with a majority residents of mixed nationalities. In the High Street, the footfall was minuscule. We attempted to visit the local allotments which were adjacent to a pleasant enough sports and recreation park but we could not get in as it was locked, wisely so. We did notice a huge amount of rubbish that had been dumped along the side paths and indeed in the allotment area itself. I guess it was probably in no man’s land when no one was responsible for its upkeep.

This gets my prize for the most meaningless and irrelevant and improbable hoarding advertisements I can remember having seen for a long time

I do not know who wrote the copy but it is definitely not a UK company or alternatively he could be someone, a client, who has suggested the wording and the advertising agency have chosen not to argue.

Anyway that was enough for the first day so home we went.

12,155 steps

Day 1   Day 2    Day 3    Day 4    Day 5    Day 6    Day 7    Day 8


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