Finally – Oppenheimer the film

by | Aug 16, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I am writing this at 10 in the evening after having returned from finally seeing Oppenheimer, which we did in a small community Theater in Wells. More of that below.

Today we did gardening for our senior lady in Paulton. We have been doing her garden now for nearly four years and will continue to do so until the day she no longer requires it. The main determinant of grass growth is reign and we’ve had plenty of that recently so I returned to a garden that I left in good order five weeks ago to find a jungle. The job I hate lease is streaming a steep bank because even when it is dry, it is so easy to slip and at my stage of life I do have moments of unsteadiness.

We then went on to the allotment where I strimmed the grass around our plots. This is the time when the runner beans are so prolific you run out of places where to put them. It’s a good idea to either pick them and eat them before they get too big or let them get as big as they want and use them for seeds for next year.

And news agents has been rebranded as Dorothy House furniture. We have about 6 charity shops in our not very big high street and I think this is the way it’s going to go I’m afraid. Fingers crossed.

It is customary for us to go to Wetherspoons to have a drink and we had our usual Pinot Gringo which is a very pleasant white wine. The outside garden is a very pleasant place to sit, in the sunshine with a warm breeze blowing.

So this evening we set off to see the 6:45 p.m. Showing of Oppenheimer. In contrast to the attempted viewing in the ODEON Cardiff, the sound was quieter, but on the borderline of being uncomfortable. I did find the music, so-called background music, was sometimes so loud that I  couldn’t hear what was being said.

I found the film a tour de force and definitely worth a visit. The period was the 1930s and 1940s and the mood has been caught with exquisite skill by the director and producer. It was very moving to see that Dr. Oppenheimer had reservations about the use to which is invention had been put. The scientific community not to mention the political community in the USA was shown as  vicious and violent and I would not like to be on the wrong end of it.

The film did indeed last three hours. I was enthralled by it but you really do have to concentrate. During the film about six people walked out saying they had had enough. I asked a young couple in front of me if it seemed like three hours or less and they said with a laugh it seemed like four hours,

After the film going to our car we walked through the darkened streets of Wells. It was pretty much quiet except for a late-night cafe which was doing good business.

Driving through the countryside at night reminds us that autumn is coming and the shorter days will be upon us before we know it. We have been promised some good war weather by so-called plumes from Europe but I believe that when I see it. There was also talk on GB news of a new virus variant and the possibility of lockdowns. I really don’t think people are going to take to that very well. I retain full confidence in my immune system which has kept me away from heebie geebies for pretty much all of my life.

I was disgusted to hear by the way that a comedian – the man who wrote Father Ted and many others- had been cancelled from the Edinburgh Festival for clarifying the difference between a man and a woman, and also saying that he did not want his daughter to mix with men who are identifying as women in toilets when a young lady would feel much more vulnerable. On the other hand, the festival organizers allow obscene material such as how to photograph people’s orifices  in said public toilets and other degrading material. It seems that the LGBQ or whatever they called just have to make a complaint and everyone goes into a faint, stops thinking and does what they are told.

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