The delights of morning TV – table for one, sir?

by | Jul 29, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Once I wake up, I get up. Waking up is normally an indication that you have had enough sleep and the day should begin. Making a cup of coffee or two is normally my first activity after drinking a glass of water if I can remember. While this is going on, I turn on the TV and it’s a question of either the GB news or TalkTV. I have not watched the BBC propaganda program aka ‘news’ for a long time now. I think the BBC with their arrogance and partisanship deserve to lose their license rights but we have to wait until 2027 for that.

Anyway come back to the program. On GBNews I watched a London West End restaurateur talking about a new rule that someone had made that if a person on their own comes in a restaurant they get charged for two people. Chef being interviewed said that he never turns people away and will always fit people into his restaurant, crowded, indeed instructs his staff to spend that little bit extra of care and attention. The view is that people on their own are losers and he disputes this. People can be on their own for many reasons including for example while doing business in London.

The restauranteur who has been working since 1984, was asked if he himself went into restaurants on his own. He responded in the affirmative saying that he had met many wonderful people and had great conversations. I do believe it is largely up to the individual to take the initiative. It seems to be more of a barrier in this country, the United Kingdom, than it appears to be in continental Europe.

I’m reminded of whetherspoons on a typical morning at 8.30. There are many single diners, all having their breakfast on their own, some reading newspapers, some looking at their devices, just keeping themselves to themselves trying to pretend they are not on their own. We are herd animals and this is and has always struck me as being unnatural. Maybe they should be special tables for people who are happy to talk with each other.

On the other hand why should Wetherspoons do all the work. It is not quite the ‘done thing’ to see someone sitting on their own and ask them if you can join them for conversation. The British seem to claim their inalienable right to sit on their own if they so wish but there is some work to do here as a few do show signs of distress that would be alleviated by having a talking companion.

Maybe the problem is deeper in that the number of friends and contacts we have in our Society is less than is comfortable for us so perhaps we need a new type of networking system in all towns and cities where people can get to know each other in their own area and with their own interests. I think it would go down well and I have dreamt about this for many years now. At my age I don’t know whether I’ve got the strength to do this. I have the Vision but considerable physical and spiritual resources would be required not to mention start-up funding.

Back to the TV. That well-known extrovert and barrister pictured above, Andrew Eborn, was talking about people’s rights both with regard to the Nat West scandal and to trend spotting i.e. turning the ULEZ rules into eventually restricting our ability to travel. He epitomizes for me what a human being should be. He has to earn his living as being a barrister, in this case supplemented by being a broadcaster interviewee, and he is a very jolly man and makes the most of every situation without being an exhibitionist. You don’t get this type of genuine person on the BBC for obvious reasons.

An outing to ~ Fish and Chips

Françoise got the idea this morning that she wanted fish and chips. We felt that a take-away was not quite the right thing so we decided to go to Hartley’s Cafe Bistro  which is one of our favorites. We do not often go there but decided to treat ourselves. Paul, the owner,  is an affable and welcoming host. I love the word affable. It means Receiving others kindly and conversing with them in a free and friendly manner; friendly, courteous, sociable. Paul is a natural at it. You cannot fake it. It comes from the heart. Serving others and this environment is ideal for his constitution and his lovely young staff not to mention is hardworking and loyal wife.

I love the T-shirt slogan, ” I jumped out of a perfectly good aeroplane”. In the foreground is an upper class lady probably from Wells. I know from experience never to approach such people as they create their elitist atmosphere around them to repel all comers except their own kind. I am not saying this is good or bad. I may do it for all I know.

Decor is important and I love the French touch, the posters above.

Another detail, a hand written notice ‘Luxury afternoon tea’ We had one once and it was good value.

Paul sells excess items at his stall outside the restaurant of various ages and dispositions but all come from a market in Bristol (fairly local you could say). He is not beyond accepting an offer.

Maesbury Castle Earth works (orig. Iron Age)

We visited the Rocky Mountain garden centre about which I have written many times. While Françoise went round buying a couple of things I went to the adjacent Cafe and enjoyed a special deal consisting of a very large piece of chocolate cake and a coffee for £4.25. We went to the adjacent food stall and bought a cauliflower (£1.20) and a punnet of strawberries (£1)

We then decided to go for a walk up and adjacent Hill to an unprepossessing area called Maesbury Castle which is an Iron Age fort. It’s been listed as a scheduled ancient Monument. There is not much to see except earthworks on the top, a lit like a circular football field, but the view is one of the highest in Somerset, which is why it was chosen as the site for a castle. It was a lovely miniature walk and there was warmth in the sun , such a joy after days of rain and murk.

This old stone style must be at least 100 years old. It was certainly built to last.

View from the top of the Hill Fort site. Such a wide vista of mid Somerset looking south.

Young 14 y.o. busker in the store.

On to a country store which sells healthy food in a very laid back way from a large converted cow shed or some such. You can be sure that the food is of good quality. It is not the cheapest but it is not expensive for the quality. While we were there a young girl was playing the guitar and singing. It turned out she was the daughter of one of the sales people. She was 14 years of age and enjoyed playing enormously. She seemed quite shy but that will change. I told mum that courage here would go ‘in the bank’ and she will draw on this for courage in other directions when she goes through life.

I was quite glad to make a contribution.

Customers seen to have been quite generous and I reckon there was about 25 pounds in coins. I spoke to the mother saying that she would project her voice  better if she was standing up. Mother informed me that she had in fact been standing up for the last three hours but her back was giving in so the mother told her to sit down. It does make a huge difference to the voice projection if someone stands or sits.

Viewing a possible garden job.

I have had contact with the lady who was selling her house and wanted the hedge cut obviously to make the garden more attractive. It was in Chilcompton and we found it after a little difficulty. It is just about within my range to do. When I see whether a job is viable I look at slopes. It is much more difficult and dangerous to mount a ladder on a slope and especially if it abuts on a main road as this one did. In this case there is a considerable amount of spoil that must be got rid of so I would have to get someone in to do this.

Another problem is that the house is empty so I will have no access to electricity. Unusually, the woman does not live on the premises. Sometimes with a job you realize that it’s more trouble than it’s worth and you give it up to someone else because it’s just not worth the stress and strain. Money is a secondary factor in this case. I will quote her and also mention another local contractor who could help her out.

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