You can pay any amount of money getting to London. The most expensive is the train directly from Bath to Paddington. A return train ticket London to Bath comes in at around £70 return, more during peak times. We prefer a coach which although it takes longer is a fraction of the price. This time we paid five pounds each way which made a total of £20 return for us both.
We like to leave in the morning so we don’t arrive in London during the rush hour, or what is left of it in holiday season. The journey to my sisters is easy. Victoria to East Croydon is about 17 minutes by train and then we need a tram and a short bus trip. As we were in London for the best part of the week, we chose to get a weekly ticket for we paid about £69. That’s covers zones 1-5, add includes buses, trams, trains, subways. That works out at about 10 pounds a day.
During our visit, we heard on the news that day tickets were going to be phased out by next January because the government was losing 40 million pounds per year so we can assume that the ticket prices were too generous. I bought a lanyard to hold my pass to make sure I did not lose it. The pass said that it could not be replaced in cases of loss.
The advertising style and culture is different in London. First of all, there are huge billboard opportunities for people to shout about their wares and this is a different type of more sophisticated advertisement which we saw when we were on our way to East Croydon station.
My sister is living on her own now whilst her husband is in a care home. She is doing very well and has lots of support from neighbors and her local church but there are things that she is not so able to do now such as lift heavy items. We are glad to assist.
We had a lovely fish meal in the evening… and so to bed.
Short cuts to other pages of the London visit
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7