Month: June 2023

Troubling times and troubling videos

I write this as the sheer weight of damming information about our future and it does get to me from time to time. Here are some videos that have come to my attention. If this does not frighten the hell out of you then I don't know what to say. We, the human beings, ARE the enemy. Has the King just committed treason - Richard Vobes The Fall of the Cabal - part 27 - Janet Ossebaard Unpicking...

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A new day, revived energies – what is leadership?

I had a strange night last night. I could not quite finish digesting my food which sat in my stomach for about four hours. Went to bed at 10:00pm  and slept until about 2:30 am. Then got up and sat in the living room where I flicked over various TV programs and finally went to sleep. I woke up about 8:30 am  I realized that the pains that had been assailing me had gone. Put it another way, the...

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And so to bed – the water scandal

Not a good day. I am not used to being ill. It seems that I have caught and infection from somewhere which is impeding my digestive system. I am not able to function normally and I do not have the energy to do various tasks. This evening I am due to a social event but I don't feel like it. The event is in a public house which in a way would make things worse. We are part of nature and I have to...

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Dogs – OFCOM – strimmers – $154 bn child trafficking – our garden

Never Let It Be said that there is no variety in my life. I went along to the coffee morning at All Saints, Paulton which is every Tuesday morning between 10 and and 11.30.  Some very nice ladies provide cake, and serve tea and coffee. We can get up to 20 people on a good day. All are welcome.   There were two dogs who spent some time barking at each other and then we were joined by a third dog....

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Less is more – pond-skating does not reap rewards

There are so many interesting nay consuming topics that I scarcely know where to turn. Every avenue leads to another avenue or avenues all of which have interesting aspects. This is now my challenge. Focus, and priority. 4am - Whilst in bed I felt strong pains and  prickles in the soles of my feet. This is an indication that I need to ground myself. It is the process of connecting your...

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I felt cheated – but not a life-ending event

  I have written several times about my visits to the outdoor Cheddar car boot sale and market. (do a search - Cheddar)  We decided to go this morning because we hadn't been for some months now and wanted to see what it was like. To those who have not been before it consists of a very large indoor storage facility about 80 meters long by 40 meters wide. There is a hard stand area outside...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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