April Fool’s Day A Great Day Out after rain – the sun!!!

by | Apr 1, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So we sat down innocently enough opposite two people who were drinking coffee. We were at the Downside Abbey April Fayre.  Harry and his son seemed an affable enough. I heard Harry saying that he hated retirement. He had ‘retired’ 11 years ago from running a number of garages. He was a born salesman so he still buys and sells cars privately.

As soon as I said I owned a Volvo, off he went. He praised the Volvo saying that he could not get enough of them to sell. We talked off the difficulty of obtaining reasonably priced parts, of the respect other drivers had for  the car on the road (they dont want to come off second best) plus the disaster of battery cars, the difficulty and cost of charging them. He thinks that Hybrid cars are the best. He now lives in Wells. He is in the process of divorcing his second wife (remarried in haste after the death of his first wife).

He now lives in Wells, We exchanged phone numbers. He invited us round for tea and cake when we next went to Wells.  This time last year he was living in a caravan which turned out to be damp. He was helped by a friend to get on the housing list and was offered a wonderful little flat shortly thereafter by the council.   Talk about luck. I think he deserves every little bit of luck he gets.  We talked for at lest half an hour.

The event was part of a two day April Fayre. There were 30 stands.  They were very niche and were not attracting a lot of people but tomorrow Sunday it is supposed to be good weather and Monday EVEN BETTER. I can hardly believe my eyes when I saw the forecast.  The land is still drenched with water. We must go to the allotment tomorrow and pull up some leeks.

Before that we went to a farm, Manor Farm, which also had a Fayre. I met some of my friends from the Vineyard Church. I went with Françoise to see lambing in action (though not much was happening during the day).

We bought this for our allotment. A lovely piece of welding/metalwork, sensitively done and unique.  The firm is on facebook@obiholbrook. Thoroughly recommended.

I was ‘down’ yesterday due to a problem in the allotments but today I am right up, bouncing around. Sometimes we have to hit the bottom in order to rise up and make a claim on our power. Its all about not being bound by fear. It just takes on fear focus to cause our psychology to tumble.

As if the above was not enough, I have started reading a book by Meggan Watterson ‘Mary Magdalene Revealed’. I never knew Mary had her own gospel. I can understand why it was banned by the church, particularly the Catholic Church. You can read the gospel  pdf here.










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April 2023



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