Visit to my acupuncturist in Frome – a nice coffee and service

by | Mar 21, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The acupuncture meridians are not to be dismissed  – lightly or otherwise. They are streams of energy that flow though the human body and probably through the planet (though the name for that is a lay line).

When Martin put a needle into me at one place, I can feel the merest prickly sensation. When another needle of the same size is inserted somewhere else, it feel like a red hot nail.  I lie on the table with about 10 needles in me, some in the feet, four in a line in the stomach and three each in the left and right hand. Cooking time is about 20 minutes. I seem to be getting better. Mind you, I work on myself between each session as I don’t want to spend unnecessary money and time if I undo Martin’s careful work.

I went to a local community centre cafe  and had a coffee and a slice of date crumble.  The lad who served me was a delight. I reckon he was about 16. He had a boyish sense of humour, was glad to have a banter with me and was really proud of his work. He made me a latte (below) with a lovely design. He whistled as he worked on cleaning up the floor in preparation for closing.

This evening to another Vineyard meeting. There were six of us. How do we communicate the Gospel when meeting people in the street.  Some of our number believe that asking if they can pray for the people is a good way forward. Others feel that demonstrating unconditional love is the best introduction.

I testified that all the people who had really influenced me towards faith did not preach nor did they try to convert. Rather they were a shining example.

I said that at Glastonbury this last Monday I just talked to people, listened to them and showed something of God’s unconditional love for my fellow human beings. It did not come naturally. I was so bereft of example from my parents that I did not know how to behave socially and it took me a good 20 years to get the hang of it but now I am satisfied that my social skills are adequate – nay more than adequate to take me through situations that would have previously frightened me. The final breakthrough occurred when I found out that people loved to be listened to and valued. I do not blame my parents for anything. They themselves were not shown the example by their parents. My dad was born in 1906 by the way.

I drove home with wind and rain prevailing. One has to concentrate so much when driving on such nights.

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March 2023



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