A Place where trust is the guideline – Rockaway Park

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We were going to visit Bradford-upon-Avon to visit the weekly market but it did not seem quite right. The weather was perfect but a little cold. I had recently received a newsletter from the wonderful  Michelle at Rockaway Park. If anyone has not been there and lives in Somerset then you dont know what you are missing. Long story short.  It was a quarry. It is now a centre for alternative living and the arts. Have a look at the February newsletter on this page.

We arrived at about 1pm to find that the cafe is only open at weekends. Friday between 12.30 and 1.30, Saturday between 12 and 2pm and Sundays between 12 and 3pm (for a roast vegetarian lunch). We found Michelle in her office and we decided to sit out in the sun and chat.

We talked about newsletters in general and the mistakes people make when mailing others including not checking that the links work. It was a jolly conversation. I love talking to people on the same wavelength. It is so effortless and I find myself being inspired to say all sorts of things that I did not ‘know. Well, it is ‘inspiration’ not expiration’.

We then went to the self service lunch in the cafe. We were the only people there.   There was a bar area where food that could be microwaved, plus tea, coffee and cakes. We had one main meal between us and two slices of almond cake.  Food made with love definitely tastes different There was no one to pay but an honesty box. The key was in the box and in there was about £50 of notes and cash. I paid my dues and took the change.

We then went for a walk around the various workshops including one where Vim was making bespoke knives with high quality steel.  He only learned to do this when he found himself bored during lockdown. At the end of the room was an amazing sculpture. (See below).  If you like this type of work then  do pay a visit BS39 5BU or visit website link above. It is open 7 dayss and free of charge to enter.

This is from the large hall where there are an incredible variety of weird objects. You would have to travel a long distance to find an art gallery as daring as this one.


To home then to Frome for my acupuncture appointment. In the way I visited a new bakery called ‘Rye Bread’ which has a good reputation although new. It is in a row of shops in the station car park. I arrived after it was closed but made a mental note to return.

There was also a Caribbean Street food outlet situated in a converted transport container. The people were offering a good lunch snack for £5, and then an evening meal for slightly more. I LOVED it. It reminds me of Brixton in London, a haven for restaurants from many countries. I made a mental note to change my next acupuncture appointment to nearer lunch time so I could sample the food.

A very rich day with a wonderful sunset. I felt very ‘down’ this morning what with my problem with my stomach but felt much more spirited after my appointment.  It is nice to be treated by someone with whom you are in harmony.

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March 2023


