EFT is a method of using the energies of the body and mind to stimulate the self healing abilities of the body to solve or dissolve their problems. This technique was founded in the 1990's by Gary Craig, a Stanford Engineer who worked for the founder of Thought Field Therapy, Dr. Roger Callahan. Craig developed the Emotional Freedom Technique from Thought Field Therapy and aimed to make...
Month: March 2023
Four stages to the complete control of society
We are in the midst of this, by the way, so its worth paying attention. Stage one is demoralization. Government says one thing and does another. Laws appear which do not make sense. The younger generation including students are brainwashed with ideas that can be seen as harmful in the medium to long term (if not immediately). This phase should ideally last 20 years i.e. one generation. Stage...
Is it selfish to be self regarding? Spot the self-ish elements
Thought for the day "They may not remember what you said, but they'll always remember how you made them feel" Maya Angelou. Self seeking self regarding serve serving self interest self centered selfish self-absorbed, self-respect, self esteem , egotistic, narcissistic Should we feel guilty about any of the Self*** words. Possibly I would not be guilty about the 'self regard ' term....
Sometimes I just want to go to bed
Today was one such day. I do not tend to look after myself and always have to be 'on the go'. This morning the weather was variable. I did my normal chores but suffered from a stomach ache after eating baked beans and scrambled egg. I do not normally have to make medication but had to this morning. By lunch time I had recovered - in part. I checked my blood pressure and got 142 over 72 which...
I love the title of this leaflet – plus evening meeting
Yesterday Thursday we did not have much exciting food to eat for lunch so we decided to go to our favourite lunch/tea cafe in Chewton Mendip. They do excellent home cooked pastries and pies and lasagna. We had an excellent sample with salad followed in my case with a latte and a Victoria Sponge. We bought a couple of lasagnas fresh from the oven to have today (Friday). I saw this wonderful...
Visit to my acupuncturist in Frome – a nice coffee and service
The acupuncture meridians are not to be dismissed - lightly or otherwise. They are streams of energy that flow though the human body and probably through the planet (though the name for that is a lay line). When Martin put a needle into me at one place, I can feel the merest prickly sensation. When another needle of the same size is inserted somewhere else, it feel like a red hot nail. I lie...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,688,767 words across 1,790 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703