New Ideas come upon me

by | Feb 23, 2023 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As mentioned elsewhere I have been very interested in UFO’s and aliens good and bad – of loving and heartless. I decided to make a special site devoted to interactions between aliens and us, and vice versa. I know from experience that when I jump on something and take action as soon as I get inspired, things go magically fast. This time was no exception.

I got the idea Tuesday 21st February in the evening. I registered a site name and on Wednesday I roughed out a site with the basic features.  Tomorrow my web designer (who just happens to have a passion for UFO’s)  will help me construct the site to make it workable.  I shall also be talking with an illustrator to make suitable backgrounds for the information.

I am already doing so much. Am I mad to do more. Probably.  I believe the earth will become a better place – maybe it will take 150 years or so – so this is a time of awakening and cleansing.  Have a look at this young girl from Germany.   What a blessing to have her around.

I attended my Tuesday evening Vineyard meeting in someone’s home. I love meetings with a small number of people. There was joy and optimism in the group. Joy is one thing you cannot fake.

Today Thursday, off to Bath for my eye injection.  In and out in 10 minutes. I enjoyed my lunch with Francoise at the RUH Hospital. Chicken Casserole and mashed potatoes, apple and pear crumble, LOADS of custard.

To Frome for my acupuncture appointment. I was told that most people are addicted to the following: wheat, dairy milk, sugar.   This would explain the majority of my stomach problems.  To help me move from milk to Almond Milk or their equivalents,  Michael the acupuncturist suggested I imagine milk as ‘dead puss cells’.  Evidently, mastitis in the cows is passed on through the milk.

I straightaway went to Lidl and bought three cartons of almond milk.

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February 2023


