Logistics- Thursday 25th August we departed from Bath by the 10 am 403 coach arriving London Victoria 1.20 pm. There are various combinations of stops, some taking longer than others. Our stops were Box, Chippenham and Heathrow. Sunday 28th August we returned by the 6pm coach from Victoria Station arriving 9.02 pm just in time to catch the local bus to our stop, two streets away from our home. ...
Month: August 2022
Time to wake up
So, we have 1,000 illegal immigrants entering our shores each DAY. We have to find the wherewithal to sustain them (£5million a day). We have oil companies making ridiculous profits whilst we pay record prices for petrol. We have threats of up to £6,200 p.a. for gas and electricity. We have food scarcity and price increases. We have strikes of barristers, the port workers, train drivers. We have...
Oh – the pain and discomfort…
Once the anesthetic has worn off the intervention - inguinal hernia - made itself known to me. Me lying down is alright, standing up is alright, going from a sitting or lying position to standing up is a real pain. I am having medication such as paracetamol and codeine but it doesn't seem to help much. I have to do everything very slowly. I dropped something on the ground and had to get a...
The day of my operation – the gruesome details
Just listening to a video commentary entitled 'GREG HUNTER USA WATCHDOG: RADICAL DROUGHT CAUSED BY MILITARY WEATHER WEAPONS – DANE WIGINGTON' 36:41 Weather control has been around since the 60's and is used to bring a country to its knees without them being aware of it. This morning I had a telephone call from Mike, one of the mechanics at the garage, to tell me that they had fixed the car but...
The Delights of picking blackberries
For some reason, there are blackberries in full maturity just asking to be picked whilst others are green and immature. I guess there must be early and late varieties a bit like potatoes. Today is day 2 after the end of the great heatwave. Things are returning to normal (if we can use that word) with some rain showers and floods in the South East of the UK. My son is with us from Thailand...
My regular eye(lea) injection at RUH in Bath
I rang my garage in Chippenham to find out that the central control module on my Volvo was indeed defunct, so I gave the go-ahead for a new one which may be sourced locally (overnight) or from Sweden (six days). It is indeed a relief to have a positive diagnosis. I guess the bill will be £1500 For those of you who are not my regular readers I have wet macular degeneration in my left eye and need...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,688,764 words across 1,790 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703