Christian men’s group in Frome – and the forthcoming weekend

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Christianity, Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Yesterday evening, Thursday, I attended with 23 other men a talk about God and chaos at the Rugby Football club in Frome. It was a so called curry evening prepared by a very good cook who offered a mild chicken curry laced with coconut milk. Delicious. He got a round of applause at the end.

The speaker was James Carey. He earns most of his living income from writing comedy scripts for the BBC but has also written a number of books, all on the Christian theme. He had a remarkable way of bringing the New Testament – actually the whole bible – to life. I forgive him for being a creationist. He was refreshing and knowledgeable about the history of the church.

He talked about people ‘speaking in straight lines’ to each other which I found enlightening. Strange how small a stimulus is needed to help a soul in its journey. He talked about using the name of Jesus in discussions with others and said that few if any people had ridiculed him for so speaking.  He mentioned that Jesus asked 316 questions as reported in the New Testament. That gave me a good clue about how to deal with any controversial subject such as covid, the Ukraine etc.

He is giving another talk in a ‘Water into Wine’ event in Shepton Mallet on Saturday 25th June. Its at the St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church, 7.30 pm, I shall attend that with Françoise.  £10 per head is a bit steep, but maybe I am behind the times.

This weekend we have a visitor called Rosemary.  She is very alive and alert. We will leave early on Sunday to partake of the celebrations in Glastonbury, not only the usual celebrations in Chalice Well, but Mayday celebrations in the town and hopefully a trip up the Tor. When close up it is much larger than it looks so some considerable effort is needed. You have to be fit.  Next time I go up I will count the steps…. No, I have been lazy and looked it up. There are 301.  If you want to be really fit try the 528 steps up to observatory at St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

Monday we go to the North Somerset Show, one of these huge farming/selling/animal judging/ arts and crafts events that you cant even get round in a day. Love it. How to do the bank holiday in style.

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