A quiet Easter Day with a pleasant warm breeze

by | Apr 17, 2022 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

This card was received from my sister for Easter day (today). Credit to her for originality of approach and thought-provoking material.

I woke up slightly after 2 a.m. this morning, and repaired to the living room where I sometimes sleep when I am restless. I flicked through some TV programmes and having found nothing of interest decided to sleep. Shortly after 7 am I had a dream of myself in a shop of cakes. The people in the shop were friendly and welcoming. I was tempted to have one-but even in my sleep I realised that I could not eat them because I was missing my upper denture. Funny that this inhibited me even in my dream because in real life I need my dentures to eat properly.

Easter Sunday dawned with a little bit of fog that soon dispersed and we were presented with another day was blue skies. We had a thought of going to the flea market at Cheddar where we often go on Sunday morning but decided that this would not be right for such an important occasion. I felt the time I’m going to look after myself doing all the little tasks that I do not normally have time or the inclination to do. Françoise was in the garden doing the sort of things you do in the spring, tidying and clearing.

Our lunch consisted of artichoke hearts and dips with some pink champagne followed by cauliflower cheese and baked potatoes for the main course. I had a little bit of meat, Françoise had fish. We then had a cheese course and some yogurt. Françoise told me that at her Christmas lunches in France they would finish by having champagne and would start with an aperitif.

By the time we finished it was about 3 p.m. That we did some binge watching TV and then various tasks in the garden. In years gone by I would have attended church on this day but I am becoming slowly disillusioned about the church, i.e. the Church of England.  I cannot get my head around the fact that the Archbishop of Canterbury has asked everyone to get the vaccine ‘for their neighbor’s sake’. This is just ignorance on his part.

I made one or two goodwill calls to a couple of people but we spent most of the day in glorious silence albeit with some music from Notre Dame cathedral playing in the background – thanks to internet radio. I wonder when the cathedral will finish it’s rebuilding. I understand that it will be open for worship in 2024 but it will take much longer, up to 20 years for full repair of the roof, spire, and parts of the stone vaulting that fell through to the main sanctuary.

We are not hungry enough to have supper.

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