Month: October 2021

Bad news by the bucket-load

My inbox always greets me with the latest slew of developments in the roll out and manifestation of the so called 'vaccine' - actually a bio-weapon for the compromise of our immune system. It varies from day to day but here is this morning's selection of headlines: Just sickening, these I’m All Right Jacks clamouring for Plan B It’s shameful using Colin Powell’s death to demonise anti-vaxxers...

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New phase in my diary writing – Day one

From now on I shall be writing about the world as I see it from the Christian point of view including self development and how I see the whole co**vid thing. Day to day matters are less important especially as another fake lockdown comes upon us. If there is one sure thing, we are all going to suffer with deaths, restrictions and shortages this winter. I write from the UK. I attempt to read the...

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Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove

1,536,824 words across 1,646 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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October 2021