More time for myself – a real tonic

by | Jun 10, 2021 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today I had back-to-back meetings about advertising my psychic and Remote Viewing  services in LinkedIn. This is an enormous potential marketplace with millions of people sharing with each other every hour of each day. The meeting was at 8 a.m. There was another meeting which was a video teaching conference lasting for two-and-a-half hours that again was very interesting and helpful. I seldom get a chance to learn new subject as I’m so busy maintaining what I do.

I went along for a routine check up of my new dentures this afternoon. The queues out of Bath were so long due to road works that I decided to give myself a little time to myself and went off to the Kennet and Avon canal which goes to London via Chippenham. In the local restaurant adjacent to the canal I treated myself to a latte and the best drizzle cake I have ever had in my life. It was so good that I had to go back to the chef and tell her.

A tented area to enable boat servicing in the winter

Many boats parked up. (Dundas Aqueduct)

I realised that I need to take frequent breaks even small breaks but I do need a break from the computer and from my immediate environment and it it refreshed to me in a way that watching television and even reading books  does not. It’s all part of my new birthday resolution to give myself more rest and recreation; the day before yesterday it was music and today it is little treats like I allowed myself.

I went on a zoom call this afternoon talking about how to deal with family members who do not agree with the the idea that Covid could be a fake. Sad that if you argued with them both people would be losers. If you fill yourself with the correct information your energy will change and you will not radiate aggression but compassion. I think this is the long term those things; nature abhors a vacuum and that includes the vacuum of ignorance.

I presided over the Frome men’s group this evening. There were only three of us so we decided that we were not quorate and drew the meeting to a close after it became clear that no one else was coming. I find that for no apparent reason, meetings can be successful or not. I say that whatever will be will be.  Worry did no one any good.

Some rain showers but in general the weather it set to be warm.  I must prepare for next weekend’s trip to London,  mainly to see friends.

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June 2021



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