The ‘slough of despond’ between Christmas and New Year

by | Dec 28, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The time between Christmas and new year has never been particularly pleasant because nothing is going on, everyone is unavailable and there is very little to do. I’ve decided to make this year an exception when I am spending more time reading and of course a lot of time on the computer making entries to my COVID site.

Being on your own or one other does not have to be a negative experience if your mind is full of things. I actually found that watching TV was more depressing then it’s normally is so we decided to have some Christmas music instead; that was a real joy. There is an enormous amount of brainwashing through images on the television so it’s quite nice to escape from that.

I have renamed my COVID site from to which sounds more like a story. I got the idea yesterday Sunday at about 2.30 pm and so corresponded with my fellow workaholic David. This morning the new name was registered and the site changed over to its new url.

We had an old friend around yesterday, one of the few on our wavelength and the hours flew by as we shared views and opinions. Most of our meaningful relationships are with distant people. Cyprus, South Africa, Germany, Ireland. Thank goodness for ZOOM and SKYPE.

Francoise  tells  me that she cannot go to France without having had a PCR test within  72 hours before traveling. Tests can only be done in London. In addition her passport has lapsed though an extension has been granted. She is nervous that she will not be able to get back. Thank you Matt Hancock for taking further lousy advise from Imperial College.

Making plans to go off to North Cornwall the weekend after next. I hope to be doing some readings and will this time focus on my more forensic work, looking at male and female ratios at the time of conception compared with the radio at birth. People forget how important the time in the womb is. It can make or break a life.



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December 2020


