I love words. Here are a few that I had not been aware of anomalistic - adjective. Departing from the normal: aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypic, atypical, deviant, divergent, irregular, preternatural, unnatural. Catatonic - psychomotor disorder, meaning it involves the connection between mental function and movement. daemonic - An evil supernatural being; a devil. 2. A persistently...
Month: December 2020
The ‘slough of despond’ between Christmas and New Year
The time between Christmas and new year has never been particularly pleasant because nothing is going on, everyone is unavailable and there is very little to do. I've decided to make this year an exception when I am spending more time reading and of course a lot of time on the computer making entries to my COVID site. Being on your own or one other does not have to be a negative experience if...
To the RUH hospital in the rain obediently wearing my mask
Obedient means 'complying or willing to comply with an order or request; submissive to another's authority. Example "a docile and obedient dog" The only reason I wear a mask is because in the hospital you have to. The staff are so thoroughly 'trained' that they will reprimand you on pain of losing their jobs. So, its a rainy and miserable but warm day. I arrive early to enjoy the ever...
A priest actually giving a homily on The Great Reset
I was just surfing Youtube as one does, and low and behold I come across Fr. Robert Altier giving a homily 'God or the Great Reset — there is no middle ground'. There is a link to the video here. I give 100% creds to someone who speaks the truth and even has the temerity to criticize the Vatican. 60-70% faith in God is not enough. it has to be 100%. He is clearly controversial within his church...
The day of the great conjunction/winter solstice – but Glastonbury town has changed
As all students of the esoteric will know, this is a great day for conjunctions apart from being the winter solstice. There is only one place to be which does not involve a lot of traveling and that is Glastonbury to which we set our sights on, arriving at 11 o'clock in the morning where people were gathered in some numbers to celebrate in their own way. As I have said many times this is a place...
To Wetherspoons, two different reactions to COVID
Wetherspoons have made a great effort to confront the COVID charade by a front cover and 13 page insert in their News Magazine. They have made a real effort to sum up the whole world-wide situation, trying to look at both sides. I read this whilst I waited for my traditional breakfast, for a total cost including coffee of under £5. When I arrived there were about a dozen people having...
Welcome to The World of Brian Snellgrove
1,679,829 words across 1,783 articles
Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703