Back on planet earth

by | Sep 29, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I always write my holiday accounts backward. We arrived back today at about 6 PM after taking the 1:30 PM bus from a semi-deserted Victoria coach Station. There were about 16 of us on the bus, carefully socially distanced. When we arrived at London Heathrow, a Korean man who had got off was looking perplexed. We discovered that someone had taken his case, almost identical to his own, which now sat forlornly on the forecourt.

It is a dilemma for the authorities whether to take charge of the case and wait for someone to claim it and hopefully return the other case but it is possible that they would not discover their mistake till they arrived at their destination. The authorities told the driver to put it on the coach and it would be dealt with like any other lost luggage query. That made us a bit late.

The second event was a chap who overslept and realised that his stopping point was in the rear view mirror so he begged the driver to let him off and fortunately there was a place where this could be done. The whole thing was quite good-natured though.

It is exciting to depart for a place but just as nice to come home again. It was such a relief in a way to get away from seeing so many people wearing masks as they were doing on the subway.

And so to bed.

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September 2020



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