Swimming fever – the beauty of clear water
Françoise has continued to enjoy the wild swimming in Vobster . I am figuring out the culture of swimmers and divers. Françoise finds that the fellow swimmers, normally female, are very friendly but I found that the divers are a special breed. it must cost a fortune to kit yourself out with the required gear. I can imagine people getting hooked on it.
It seems that the facility is open almost 365 days a year. The staff are focused and very conscious of the rules and regulations especially of the safety kind that a facility has to observe.
This facility is for experienced swimmers only and you are supposed to be able to swim 750 m before being allowed in.
From time to time, I need a reality check when I see person after person wearing a mask when all the evidence points to the fact that it is unhealthy, impedes the outflow of carbon dioxide and also the ingress of oxygen plus providing an ideal breeding ground for germs. Who washes a mask every time they use one. I do have a small group of people that I can have a winge with.
We have an ZOOM the meeting every Wednesday at 530pm with those more interested in looking at the long-term implications of COVID gather together. there are more than a dozen of us and we have got to know each other quite well, admittedly virtually, but communication is pleasant and we have settled as a group. It does provide nutrition. I don’t think we are a clique but it is a little bit awkward for new people to come along and feel accepted although I can tell them verbally that they are.
Tomorrow, I’m going to advertise in the newly launched local paper for my gardening skills. I have a feeling that I’m not going to get many takers because people have been traumatised so much that this extends to those who might visit the home never mind if there is no contact. It is a tragic and dreadful thing to behold. The wearing of a mask only reinforces the anonymity that people feel. I hope I get sufficient work to take me through the winter.