Month: September 2020

Back on planet earth

I always write my holiday accounts backward. We arrived back today at about 6 PM after taking the 1:30 PM bus from a semi-deserted Victoria coach Station. There were about 16 of us on the bus, carefully socially distanced. When we arrived at London Heathrow, a Korean man who had got off was looking perplexed. We discovered that someone had taken his case, almost identical to his own, which now...

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The day of the Trafalgar Square rally

We arrived yesterday Friday and had lunch with two very good friends in Waterloo followed by a traipse around London. The single most shocking thing was seeing everyone with masks, meekly submitting to a system about which they had no clue. In the evening we went for a walk to the top of Primrose Hill and witnessed groups of lively students enjoying the setting sun. We walked in Camden which is...

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Mental preparation for going to London for a political rally

There are always mixed feelings on such occasions. We are going to go along to stand up for what we believe; on the other hand the police have become more brutal and we may well get attacked. From last Saturday's event I noted that the police charged those who had provoked them. I hope that people have learned from this and will be less aggressive though I have to say that most of the aggression...

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Glastonbury Tor revisited as the autumn equinox is celebrated

There is nothing like getting your timing right and listening to inspiration. Inspiration has a timed element to it in other words if you get inspired to do something and you say to yourself that you will do it later, things do not work in the way you expect it to. I say, trust the universe. I went on to People per last night at about 5pm to find someone to help me design a leaflet for...

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Days merge with each other

Françoise just had a chat with someone who lives in London. They told her that journeys by bus can take longer because they are changing the architecture of the streets to accommodate more social distancing, all this is based on a lie, how can the government get out of this I wonder. On Friday I went to see someone who wanted their garden done. Pensioner who met me seemed a little bit fraught...

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A magic valley that disappointed

To Hartley's for a light lunch. Françoise had a salmon sandwich and I had a latte and a cheese cake.  Paul the owner is always a pleasure to meet and in spite of the incessant pressure he finds time to talk to his customers. To our magically valley just north of Wells. Whereas a few months ago it was a wonder to walk in, now it was an impenetrable jungle of weeds. We then struggled a few hundred...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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September 2020