Funeral service for our old VOLVO V70

by | Aug 4, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I made arrangements with to take my old car off me. I arranged an appointment – via the Internet – in Bath for 10.20 this morning. They do not pick up vehicles. I had an offer from the local scrap merchant for £60. I went into the website mentioned above and got a quote of £315 which struck me as a little bit high. In order to get to Bath we had to insure the car for the day. In fact, you can insure a car for as little as one hour; you can find this on the Internet by typing in “short term car hire” It cost us about £14 for the privilege.

Françoise drove it, I accompanied her in the new car to enable return journey.  We arrived at the offices which were actually in the grounds of Bath football club.

Henry the sales person dutifully noting the car details. New one to the left.

The very pleasant assistant Henry checked the car. The company concerned will try to recycle and reuse the cars if they possibly can so it is one step above having the car crushed. There were many faults on the car so the quote unseen price of £315 was reduced to £50 which I totally understood. When I said that I would take the car to the local scrapyard instead they upped their offer to £70. We accepted.

It is a corny phrase to say “the money is not the point” but actually it applied here. The car has plenty of life in it namely a sound body, engine and gearbox and I felt there was a role for it somewhere and the assistant agreed and said it would probably be used as a runaround car for a local garage. I am so happy that a good home may be found for it, much better than the undignified crushing of a loved car.

On the way back we went to Farrington Gurney where there is a health food shop and play area for children which is a blessing for mothers. To our surprise, the food was half price and I guess this is something to do with the government’s attempt to get people out and about. Anyway, we had a coffee and tea to toast the passing of the car and the wish that it finds a new home. Meanwhile, the new car is humming along and I’m so glad I spent the money that I did even though £4,500 is more than I’ve ever paid before for a car.

I took the opportunity of recording what was going on.  The local council have thoughtfully enabled a men’s shed.

Francoise looking at the rather forlorn and closed church adjacent to the car park of the centre.

at least there is some activity

This time last year, a local young lady was run over and killed by a drunk driver. My diary refers.   Here is the same spot on the first anniversary.

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August 2020


