Month: May 2020

flowers, fleurs, flores, fiore, blume, blomst

I LOVE spring. I love the rapid growth that occurs. Grass is lush. Young tree branches shoot up whilst you watch, and as for runner beans..... they cant wait to grow. Off to do two gardening jobs. Instant switch off from COVID, 5G, the state of the world. The day started cold and cloudy but at about 10.30 he sun came out and the day heated up.  So much for the BBC forecast.

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Another two ideas come bouncing into the world

I get the feeling that I need to give a public talk about the coronavirus though I don't think that the public will thank me much for what Iwil tell them which is that the beloved BBC so trusted of old has been conniving with the government and with the corporates to interfere in our lives to a degree that 20 or even 10 years ago would have seemed unthinkable. I do enjoy standing up against the...

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A quiet but exciting day

Yesterday at about 1:45 PM I got the idea of creating a website to support people who were fighting various good causes. I was thinking particularly of 5G and Corona - exposing the disgusting corruption that is going on behind-the-scenes. I recall that when I started the 5G website, I think it was on a Friday, the whole thing rolled out over the weekend and by Tuesday lunchtime I had achieved...

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An early surprise. Jack Frost visits.

I had an interesting morning when I was deselected from being a member of a local garden group. This is a "first" for me and something of an inevitability since I never really felt we were accepted by the group, I mean Françoise and myself. Some time ago I had written a round robin to all my contacts, that means a letter to everybody as a public service, on the topic of COVID , telling people it...

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Will life ever return to normal? + a visit to my hospital

I took a little bit of a break yesterday hence no diary. It seems our beloved UK Prime Minister, Boris, is not giving anything away about a time or even if a lockdown will finish. One thing that is quite clear from the three-day virtual conference I attended over the weekend was that he is surrounded by people bought and paid for by Bill Gates who is a eugenicist and vaccine enthusiast. It is...

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Yet another day in paradise

So, it being a lovely warm day, we could not resist visiting the place we went to yesterday, a valley apparently forgotten by civilization or more cynically possibly too difficult to commercialize. This time we approached from the top parking on the A39 . Here is a map to show you the starting and parking points should you be interested. The upper one is on the main road at the junction with the...

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Inspired by Samuel Pepys’ Diary 1633-1703

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May 2020