Second ZOOM meeting, lots of good feedback and thanks

by | May 28, 2020 | allotments, ZOOM | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

There is no question in my mind that we are hard-wired to communicate together, especially if we have something in common. In my case, it is fellow Red Pill people who see the world in a different way. Yesterday I sent out 24 invitations to attend a ZOOM meeting. We ended up with 11 people including a very interesting and dynamic lady from California who wanted to buy land and grow food. Somewhat remarkable conversations ensued and I took the decision to record the whole event which took 846 MB, quite a chunk of the 1 GB of data storage allowed for my level of subscription. If I want to have 10 GB I have to pay £30 a month to ZOOM. I’m not prepared to do this so I’m going to give everyone a chance of viewing the video and then delete it next Wednesday when we make the next one.

I thought of streaming the next ZOOM meeting to the grand British public because it’s all very well sharing stuff that we already know – mostly – but it’s another thing to reach out to people who are not really aware of what’s going on. One of the most shocking things is the misallocation of nurses, the complete cancellation of operations (cancer goes on growing) and why oh why are dentists closed? Are they afraid of what the government might say? What about the people in pain? What do they do? This government has been an utter disgrace and I hope that they are made aware of the deficiencies sooner rather than later.

Another lovely day today. We were at the allotments and one of the committee, Will, had ordered a load of manure which he was busy wheeling to his plots. He wants to be dig-free by next year so this is the year to enrich the ground. Almost every plot is in good condition except one or two older people who should have given up their allotment some time ago but hang on and do the minimum to avoid being kicked out. It is very dry here in England at the moment so plenty of watering is needed during this critical spell of growth. Our lawns are already suffering and going dry.

We have recently bought a blender which can either be used for vegetables or fruit. My stomach is playing at the moment so I’m very much enjoying the zero effort of absorbing a rich nutritional mix of fruits both frozen and fresh. Last night I got so disturbed that I didn’t get to  sleep until about five in the morning. I was in pain, and suffering from a bloated stomach all night. My intention is to reduce the intake of food and indeed wine and tempting sweets that you can by in the supermarkets that have far too much sugar to do me any good. Today, so far so good as I write at half past nine in the evening.

We suffered from ‘the claps’ today. Everyone walked down the road and met together and started clapping at eight o’clock. In my view there have been completely conned by the government and BBC propaganda and have no idea that the nurses are standing around doing nothing having been allocated to COVID wards from other wards that should have been busy with  doing operations.  Incidentally it is quite shocking to read of the effects of the lockdown on people. In California they had a year’s worth of suicide in four weeks and has been a marked increase in the amount of child abuse not to mention depression and alcoholism. It just shows how little those who rule over us care about human beings.

We are considering making long term plans for food growing and storing. I don’t know how long we will survive without electricity because that does drive the sewage and without sanitation I think life could become unpleasant. I wonder if we should get a pot and dig holes in the garden. If the government has its way, our lives will never be the same again. Nevertheless, when I serve others I’m happy and fulfilled so that is what I intend to continue to do.


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May 2020



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