A walk with friends in Paradise Wood

by | May 26, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

My readers will have noticed my previous mentions of very unique landscape near Wells and today we decided to take two friends to what I will now call Paradise Wood.  In certain areas, the garlic was still in flower and I ate as much as I could possibly do, believing in its beneficial qualities. We noticed that the ferns had grown significantly since our last visit which must’ve been about two weeks ago.  I can say that we retraced our steps but actually the weather was different, the birdsong was different, the company was different, the people we met was different and nothing was the same.

a dried-up stream

I encountered a lady with a dog; I commented that she did not seem full of fear like the other people. I was delighted to find that she was willing and able to discuss the matter of the virus without lapsing into stereotypes. I was given space to say that the virus had passed, that social distancing was very damaging, all the usual thing you would expect from me. She did take it quite well but when I mentioned Bill Gates and his desire to give a vaccine to everybody in the world she could not believe that one person could cause such a lockdown. I know the method which is through his money and his influence but I backed off and discussed instead the value of maintaining an immune system. Dr Fauci and others in America never mentioned the immune system because that is a comparatively inexpensive way of dealing with the problem such as it is.

Tomorrow evening we will be having a Zoom session. There is a lady from California who was going to take part. She wrote me a lovely letter today, her second letter, obviously wanting to share what she is doing. I will quote it in full.

Hello Brian!!

Hope you are doing well! I was up in the Gold Country in California over the weekend thinking what a magical place our planet earth is and how one person really can make a difference!! My latest obsession is with gold, actually I am fascinated with the all things humans mine out of the earth. Our planet makes the most beautiful precious stones and minerals  Every rock I see, from the biggest to the largest, all have a story about how they got there on the river.
Kind of like every human has a story about how they got to this point in their existence. I don’t believe it is by mistake or by accident. All weekend I worked at removing a huge log jam on the river. Not because it was going to get me some gold. Not because I was getting paid to do it, but simply because it needed to be done so the river can move forward unencumbered.
I just kept digging and moving rocks out of the way and the next thing you know, the two story log jam started to break free. Bit by bit the water took away the debris changed its water flow patterns and moved the jam down stream. As I watched this massive rock start to inch its way free, I thought to myself, one person really can make the difference! That is what you do everyday! And what we should all strive for!
Excellent news about Graham from this area! I most certainly look forward to meeting up with him and getting some of the debris out of the log jam out country and world is currently in . Wednesday morning is the next meeting correct? Thanks for all you do!
I just love this outburst of the human spirit. If she shows up I think the meeting tomorrow will have a very special quality.
In my Corona work I notice there are more and more references to compulsory vaccines. This I will resist with every fibre of my body. Thus the war I don’t need a vaccine. Secondly viruses mutate and there are 22 different types of coronavirus so I read. Thirdly I have a perfectly adequate immune system that will deal with these and other invaders.


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May 2020



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