Will life ever return to normal? + a visit to my hospital

by | May 11, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I took a little bit of a break yesterday hence no diary.

It seems our beloved UK Prime Minister, Boris, is not giving anything away about a time or even if a lockdown will finish. One thing that is quite clear from the three-day virtual conference I attended over the weekend was that he is surrounded by people bought and paid for by Bill Gates who is a eugenicist and vaccine enthusiast. It is vital to see that this is a tool of fear, the coronavirus, which is a normal flulike virus, is being used as the excuse.  I’m already preparing myself to say no to a vaccine will be hastily rushed out. NB He is actually saying that football games can only take place if people are vaccinated. This is so clumsy. A vaccine is months if not years away and people will just not have it. They will rebel.

So, I had a 4:30 PM appointment with the eye Department of the Royal United Hospital in Bath ( RUH ).  I drove into virtually empty park-and-ride at Odd Down. There were about 20 cars there in total normally about 200. I took a Number 4 bus, resplendent in its new blue livery which went straight to the RUH. I was the only person upstairs and there was the lady downstairs at the back somewhere.  I arrived to find the hospital virtually deserted. There was a service of sorts at the cafeteria on the ground floor.

They obviously take this social distancing thing seriously. The corridors were out, put it empty which is not surprising since visitors are banned in most of the wards were empty or near empty.

The lively cafeteria on the ground floor was reserved for staff. I had my normal peroration viewing all the delightful photographs and paintings on the corridor walls.

Elderly man giving directions – the road to Villavieja, Columbia

Pair of Bateleurs

In the waiting room of the Eye Department, they have stripped away the chairs and were putting sticky tape on the floor, goodness knows why. I went to my appointed place and waited for my injection. We were placed in separate cubicles away from other people. I was given a mask which I reluctantly put on. The nurse and the administering Doctor noticed that I had a bloodshot eye and quickly summoned a specialist doctor who pronounced that no infection or damage had happened and the condition will naturally heal. He said things often look worse than they are even if one blood vessel has broken. The consultation lasted about 1 min but I received the knowledge that I need to help make myself comfortable.

This evening, we had a Christian men’s group meeting by Zoom. It takes a bit of getting used to but is largely intuitive. I like the screen share when you can show anything including a whiteboard where you control things and everyone can see it. The meeting lasted for an hour. Time flew because everyone was so keen to give their testimony so we did have a lot to share. We ended the time with prayer and I felt invigorated.

All in all, a good day.

I should not be shocked any more but I read that Bill Gates has offered a bribe of $10 million to Nigeria if they would agree to compulsorily vaccinating all the inhabitants. There was immediate protest from the opposition party. Oh that we could have such an opposition in the Labour Party but they seem to be being muted. By what? Cowardice.

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May 2020


