A day of encouragement – useful stats

by | May 2, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Today I rose early, at about five o’clock, and had a sneaky look at the computer to see what overnight communications had arrived. I looked at my viewing figures for my 5G site. Having a good stats program is very helpful because you can see among other things what your readership is actually looking at in terms of popularity of pages, origin of visitors and time on the site. Without this you are functioning blind and for all you know could be producing a very inefficient site without being aware of it. There are many clients out there but I use statscounter.com which is free for low levels of use. All you do is put a given code at the bottom of each page of your website and the program does the rest.

Anyway, today I started my regime of relaxing the little bit. I popped along to the allotment this morning; there were seven or eight people busily working away. The weather was absolutely gorgeous and I cannot overstate the therapeutic value of being at one with nature. Anyway after doing some work and having lunch I switched off my computer at 2 PM. Normally, it’s on from early morning until 10 of 11 PM, far too long I agree. during the afternoon I engaged myself elsewhere by being in the garden, reading etc. I then switched to computer on again at 6 PM and continued work of which this story is part.

There is a phrase in the Bible saying “cast your bread upon the waters and it will return”. I sent out a newsletter today and got some lovely replies from people who really cared about the subject matter, in this case Corona and all the nonsense surrounding it. Here are two replies:

Thanks very much Brian. 
You’ve provided so many very important links on this subject, both at the bottom of this email and on your website linked to.
Really really useful.
You are doing a great job!
All best wishes,
I want to stay on your subscription Brian………you are my sanity……
Blessings to you
Good work
It is nice to receive thanks, or should I say encouraging. I do all my research and publication work for nothing. I think that’s the way it should be but the human side does warm to appreciation.   I do a lot of work for people including correspondence and don’t get a thanks for it but it is made up for by the brief letters, heartfelt I would say, cited above.
It’s getting a bit late now for creative work; tomorrow I’m going to be writing about role models and their importance.


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May 2020


