The beauty in life remains

by | Apr 29, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let’s all remember that there is beauty in life and that Mother Nature should remind us of the eternal values compared with the nonsense that is going on at the moment. It is non-sense because it doesn’t make any sense if you apply the slightest amount of logic and reason. For example, you keep people locked in when the very best thing for the killing of the virus is for people to be outside in the sunshine and warmth. I think this is wake up time for many people. As I have said before and I will say again, it’s better to wake up than to be woken up.

remember the beauty in life

Our day has really settled into a routine in this strange phase of our existence. I have to remind myself in the absence of markers which day it is. I normally get up between 6 AM and 7 AM, make a coffee, and check my e-mails.  About 1 PM we start to assemble lunch, which is now the main meal of the day and keeps me going until bedtime except for a sandwich or small item of food. My stomach is quite choosy about diet, so I have to be very careful what I eat after about 4 PM. Today we watched a film on public transport and life in Ecuador which is a place that Francoise  visited in the 90s.  I finish the majority of my work about seven o’clock and then we sit down and watch TV, avoiding anything resembling mainstream news and watching items that are not time sensitive but quality sensitive. We then retire at any time between 11 PM and midnight and try not to watch TV for the hour prior to retiring.

I have decided to give a talk in my local area about Corona virus –what now? I cannot stand seeing people walking around like frightened rabbits. The more knowledge, the less fear. I don’t mind if only half a dozen people turn up will do me good repair the material and give it out. at least, I would have done my bit.

Last night,some special manure was delivered to our allotments with an invitation for people to help themselves. I realise I slightly overestimated human nature here. I thought everyone would take enough for themselves but some people have gone way over the top so as a result at 9 AM this morning, Wednesday, all supplies were exhausted. That was one lorry load. I have ordered another one but we need to pay for it The charge will be one pound per barrowload which bearing in mind the the quality I think is quite good. I felt like complaining about the excesses of people in the first round but then I thought that since I did not put any limit on the amount of each persons should take, I should not have relied upon the sense of justice prevailing in everyone and should have said something like “10 barrow loads per person”. So, down to me.

This is a good way of figuring out how and why we think and what we achieve. (Thanks to a friend for this diagram). In other words, our level of consciousness. Question – what is the mix in our lives. How much data do we need.  Does wisdom preclude the need for knowledge. A good exercise for everyone – get the cake mixture right.

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