A positive attitude to cancer

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

It is not often that I reproduce someone else’s material (with permission)  but I’m so moved by this letter from a long-standing colleague of mine, David Dees, but I do so  in the interest of helping us all myself included to get a better attitude when we are struck down with some disease. Who knows, it could happen to anyone. NB I’m not endorsing radiation or any particular treatment, I’m just observing the spirit of my friend as he responds as best he can to unexpected circumstances and developments.


Yep, still alive, that is the update.

Springtime exploding in southern Oregon today, beautiful blue skies, the colors of blooming fruit trees, feeling optimistic, invigorated, and focused in the battle of my life after being diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer in my liver, lungs, spleen, and inside the spine vertebrae.

Now, a month after release from hospital tests, MRIs, cat scans, and exams by cancer oncologists, I have had to make a nerve rattling mind numbing decision about doing the unthinkable, taking radiation treatment. The pain from the spine lesions is paralyzing my leg. Just a minor problem, now i can’t really walk without severe pain and a crutch.

While my alternative choices of treatment are working nicely, with evidence being the lesions are shrinking the last weeks, this week the underarm lump that was dwindling made a big come back and increased in size, as did an under skin nodule doubled in size and inflammation. Could just be a healing reaction.

But my main concern now is the spine.

Radiation doctor is saying to target them with low doses of radioactive blasts ten times in ten days and see how much the frisky tumor buggers enjoy that bath of poison?

Cut to the chase.

Today went in for the second treatment. As i can barely can drag around my painfully stiff numb right leg, i got a medical ride to the hospital and was met at the entrance with a wheelchair and a super sweet staff of nurses and specialists to usher me up to the room James Bond weaponry would have nodded approval at.

This contraption, the radiation machine does all the work, you lay on a slab while it revolves around shooting invisible particle beams of electra pro sub photon radiation particles, or whatever. I was wheeled in, carefully arranged on the slab and in minutes i was all alone in the room with this machine revolving around me flashing, twisting through the programs, delivering invisible radiation daggers, as red laser lights seemed to stare at me from different angles, reminds me of Hal in 2001 space odyssey movie, Then I flashed the thought of the book cover of Ty Bollinger’s huge best seller – Cancer – Think outside the Box. , which I designed the cover art showing the radiation machine baking the victimized patient with graphic yellow green beams of radioactivity.

And here i am in the same scary depiction.

The first day i had no side effects, but as the therapy builds, today i had a pretty hard fatigue and some nausea. But, i am so hoping this relief of pressure on the spine will give me my mobility back, take this ‘one step at a time’.

Here is the regimen

1. Deep breathing – Wim Hof Method – 200 deep breaths
2. Cold showers – Gradual hot to cold
3. Rife Frequency – GB4000 generator + amp
4. Essiac tea
5. Cannabis oil
6. Ozone treated water
7. Hydrogen peroxide
8. Iodine
9. Turkey Tail mushroom extract
10. Allicin-C
11. Carnivora
12. B-17
13. Vitamin C
14. Fenbendazole (dog dewormer)
15. Micro Algae
16. Curcumin Tumeric
17. Baking Soda and Lemon
18. Paw Paw
19. Colostrum
20. Diatomaceous Earth
21. Black seed oil
22. Apricot seeds

I have just heard that Ian Crane who runs the Alternative View conferences annually in the UK is suffering from severe cancer. This is all the worse because his daughter, who lives in Greece, will be unable to be by his side unless by some magic she has found a flight.

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