14th day of lockdown – maintaining the fear

by | Apr 7, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

I have to say that for me the soft lockdown doesn’t really make much difference, I go out and about in the car and on foot.  I don’t have to make sure that I’m out of the way of people because as soon as people in the street see someone coming towards then they move aside.  Talk about controlled by fear.  My days are busy with my own research, sitting in the garden in the sun, eating, watching TV, and enjoying the luxury of a warm bed. Ah the simple pleasures of life. I LOVE having an empty diary.

I see pictures in the papers  of people enjoying themselves sunbathing in parks and police vainly trying to persuade them to go home or isolate.  If this lockdown goes on much longer I can see people rebelling in large numbers especially the young.  I do agree that it doesn’t make sense to visit older people  in residential homes, because they are more susceptible to opportunistic viruses or whatever it is so they have to be alone.

I do have every concern for people who are running out of money or more likely going into overdraft, especially if they have partners and children to support but I am more concerned for the country in general.  How long will it take to recover.  I reckon one week of downtime will result in one month of recovery time so if we are down for six weeks I reckon it will take six months.  But it will be worse with a garden centres who may not recover for the whole year due to the seasonal nature of their stock..

We are being told not to use cash because it could carry germs.  This is a prelude to a cashless society which will enable control over our affairs in other words if we are not compliant, or if we have criminal records, our credit cards will be of no use.  This is called a totalitarian society.

Today is my fifth day without listen or watching ‘News’. From the BBC we can obtain an unending stream of fear porn and it makes me physically sick to listen to the nonsense, people behaving like sheep, ridiculous statistics and forecasts.  I don’t feel I have missed anything because I can get what I need from the newspaper.

Useless fact of the day – I read that butterflies are the only creature not susceptible to electromagnetic waves.  Not quite sure if that will ever be useful to me but it’s quite nice to know.  David Icke is telling us that hospitals have the instruction to write the cause of any disease which is un identifiable and which leads to death as the coronavirus.  This is because the real numbers of people who are dying are not sufficient to keep the public in a state of fear.  Older patients are also being encouraged, irrespective of the reason they are in hospital, to sign a DNR do not resuscitate note.  What wonderful times we live in or to use that euphemism what ‘interesting times’ we are living in.  The main thing is to live in faith.

I have come across more than once a rather grim website which tells of plans to cull the population of the world by 2025.  This Corona business is just a foretaste of what the people who run the world can do. I dont want to make anyone unhappy at this time so if you feel strong do have a look at it. Deagel.com .  Check your own country to see the prophecy for it. What have our wonderful masters got in mind for us?

The wording of the Georgia Guidestones, above is as follows:
(read between the lines, folks)

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a living new language.

Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

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