A day of recovery- more corona stuff

by | Mar 31, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The question is, are viruses living? They are ‘obligate intracellular pathogens’ so will die without a host.  They may sit on the back of microbes but as I understand it they themselves cannot enter through the air.  I want to look at this much more carefully before I make a further public stand.  It does seem that the coronavirus figures compiled in various countries have been differently based.  For example, in Italy, there is a difference between dying with the virus present and dying from the virus.  The two had not been distinguished in the statistics.

I went round the allotments today to check everything.  There were about three people there.  I must say taking everything into consideration, the weather and the travel restrictions, the allotments are quite good order.

The madness surrounding panic buying seems to have subsided.  There are in any event very few people around. Lidl had no queue to speak of so I just walked in. Sainsbury’s were the same with perhaps one or two people.  The doctors surgery was in siege with lots of red and white tape all over the place.  You are only allowed in to the surgery if you had an appointment, otherwise you have to post everything through a little letterbox.  Otherwise, you had to  phone. I’m not sure about the new Volvo.  It doesn’t seem to like going round corners very much and I hear a scraping sound.  It may be some simple mechanical rubbing or it could be something more serious.  There is no garage that I can go to so I am going to drive around with the old Volvo and take care so to speak.

I sent out a male chimp letter to all those signed up for my 5G website.  Today, for the first time, I have 2 1/2 thousand page reads and this after nearly 2 years of operation.  The messages slowly but surely is getting across helped by the fact that I have three coronavirus pages with the very latest news.  News is changing by the minute and it is clear that the majority of people are describing this event as a fake and that most cases of coronavirus are in fact a variant on the common flu.

I just uploaded a video of a former Vodafone boss blowing the whistle on 5G and Corona virus.  This rabbit hole is deep.

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