What can we do but wait?

by | Mar 23, 2020 | Latest Post | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I completed my gargantuan mail-out yesterday and received many kind notes from people who were renewing their acquaintance with me after more than 10 years in many cases.  The worst thing about this Corona thing is not knowing what is going to happen and when it is going to finish.  My latest pendulum readings show that everything will clear by 1 June.  The growth in infections and the mortality is not so great in the United Kingdom compared with for example Italy or Spain.  The idea of the Government paying 1000 pounds a month to anyone who is self-employed will quickly empty the government coffers.

Although the sun is shining, I feel completely flat and unsure what to do so I stare at the TV from time to time but apart from this it has been an unproductive day.  The local council have produced a pamphlet called IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ, which includes helpful posters for the vulnerable people among us.  Françoise completed her tour of our street; one woman gave her an order for shopping which she happily accepted and will do tomorrow.  I heard on the news that a staff assistant in a supermarket was spat at because she refused to allow a customer to buy over the agreed limit for a particular item.  What is the matter with these people?

The frogs spawn in our pond has come to life and there are lots of little tiny beings the size of a pinhead wriggling around and blowing little bubbles, no doubt beneficially influenced by the sun that shines brightly on the clear water.

I shall compile a list of comments which have been made either for or against my letter which was mainly designed to help people avoid panic, and to do certain things that would raise their spirits.  I think it is good for everyone to see what other people say.  I know that this happens anyway on Facebook and Twitter but I would like to draw it together in a more artistic fashion.

So, all but essential travel is banned according to Boris our Prime Minister.  On Wednesday we are due to pick up our new car and we have to drive a distance of 15 miles.  I think will probably risk it because if I don’t go, my existing car will be without an MOT from this Saturday and we cannot use it.  If there is a fine to pay, so be it.  Life must go on.  I cannot imagine the havoc that is going to be caused by this grand perception management that is called a ‘crisis’.

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