Month: February 2020

Peace and laziness

Do the two go together? Sometimes. I have been very lazy yesterday and today and making some plans for our forthcoming London visit.  Meanwhile, in spite of the wind and rain or perhaps because of it, our darkness slowly springing into lifeFrogs always come back to the same place to spawn and they were undeterred by the netting that covers the pond to stop birds eating the gold fish. Humble...

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The river Severn ‘slightly enlarged’

So off we go on the coach after our four night stay in the Britannia Hotel, Leeds Bradford.  Our trip from Yorkshire to Bath was quite long; we left at 9:25 AM in the morning and arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon at Bath coach station. That is with some statutory breaks on the coach - from the drivers point of view. I know it sounds a long time but it passes quite quickly and we were at a...

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A day doing ‘nothing’

Existentially, it is not possible to do nothing because you exist and that is a full-time job in itself.  I slumped in front of the TV whilst Françoise went and had a long swim in the pool.  We went for a walk at lunchtime to an adjacent village and found a bakery, community centre.  Everyone who entered the shop was known, and it was in order to wait while they had a little chat and gossip and...

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coach tour part 2 – Skipton and Grassington

Skipton market must be wonderful in the summer but this was off-season and there were a few bedraggled stalls selling stones and miscellaneous knickknacks. We had about three hours here so again decided on a grand walk around. I popped into a local store and bought an excellent pair of corduroy trousers for 18 pounds, and 40 batteries, AAA, and AA for two pounds. We went into the local church...

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coach tours – a day in York UK

Though some years, in fact for most of my life, I was skeptical or perhaps cynical about coach trips never mind tours. I suppose years of traveling by National Express, bus instead of the train, partly broke down my prejudices but I had to do an actual coach tour to see what it was all about. The population of coach tours are pretty much standard so far as I can see, normally fairly senior...

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A motorway service station up with the best

So, an early rise in order to pack and do all the little things you have to do to close down a house before you leave. We found our feeder coach near to Bath bus station without much difficulty and left on time, picking up from various obscure points on our way to Gloucester where we met the main coach that came  from Cornwall.  Evidently the coach started at 5:15 AM so that was definitely a...

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